Sunday, February 9, 2025

02/02/25 –02/08/25

  Dear Seafarers’ Friends:                                                                                    02/02/25 –02/08/25

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Co. 1:3)
L. and B. - Left Scriptures, Gospel materials, Jesus DVDs on the vessel. Blessed the sailors.
L. and P. - Left Scriptures, Gospel materials, and Jesus DVDs on board. Prayed and blessed the crew.

3 ships on Friday (02/07):
AZT    YASA TULIP    G’P 3    Filipino-11, and Turkish-9    20 crew, 15 of the crew have s. p.             L. and p. (See pic. 1)    4    2
NAM    ARVIN    KN 1    Bulgarian-1, Croatian-1, Filipino-10, Indian-1, Russian-4, and Ukrainian-3    20 crew, some don’t have s. p. L. and P. (See pic. 2)    3    2
MGU    TORM BIRGITTE    KN 2    Filipino-15, and Indian-6    21 crew, all have      s. p. L. and p. (See pic. 3)    3    1
Wei Wang from HCC visited the ships all by himself.

4 ships on Saturday (02/08):
CBI    FUTURE ACE    ENT 7    Filipino Ghanaian, Indian, Kenyan Russian,     Crew 21, most of crew have US Visa and shore pass. L. and P.    3    2
ATA    GAS ALKHALEEJ    ENT 5    Egyptian Filipino, Indian, Iraqi, Pakistani, Syrian.     Crew 26, some of crew have US Visa and shore pass. L. and B.    2    2
NIN    GAS CAPRICORN    ENT 4    Filipino, Indian    Crew 23, some of the crew have US Visa and shore pass. L. and B.    1    1
RSS    XANTHOS    HFO 3    Georgian, Russian    Crew 24, few crew member have US Visa and shore pass. L. And B.    2    2

Payton Huang from West Houston Christian Church visited the ships all by himself.

1.   Please pray for the family of Saratan Frank (A/B) on the ship Yasa Tulip.

2.   Please pray for the family of Panes Mj (O/S) on the ship Arvin.

3.   Please pray for the family of Jessel Caroente (A/B) on the ship Gas Capricorn.

4.   Please pray for Christian family of Godcoin Adokwei (Cadet) on the ship Future Ace.  

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you. My love to all of you in Christ Jesus. Amen. 1 Co. 16: 23, 24)

1627 Gingerleaf Ln.
Houston, Tx. 77055

Sunday, February 2, 2025

01/26/25– 02/01/25

 Dear Seafarers’ Friends:                                                                                         01/26/25 – 02/01/25

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. (Rom. 1:7)

L. and B. - Left Scriptures, Gospel materials, Jesus DVDs on the vessel. Blessed the sailors.
L. and tP. - Left Scriptures, Gospel materials, and Jesus DVDs on board. Prayed and blessed the crew.

9 ships on Saturday (02/01):
CHP    PARANDOWSKI    G’P 4    Filipino, Polish, and Ukrainian    24 crew, most of the crew have s. p.             L. and B. (See pic. 1)    4    2

NLC    RMS FRATERNITY    IND W    All Indian    22 crew, all of the crew have s. p.
L. and B. (See pic. 2)     2    2
SBM    SEABOARD GALAXY    J/P 1    Filipino, Indian, and Ukrainian    23 crew, all of the crew have s. p.
L. and B. (See pic. 3)    2    2
MGU    SEAGALAXY    HFO 1    Indian, and Ukrainian    28 crew, all have s. p.
L. and P.     3    2
MAX    STORHOLMEN    HFO 2    Filipino, and Russian    21 crew, all have s. p. L. and P.    3    3
PBA    SPAR HYDRA    CMX    All Indian    22 crew, all have s. p.
L. and B. (See pic. 4)    3    1
ISS    STOLT ACHIEVEMENT    STO 2    Dutch, Filipino, Latvian, and Vietnamese    27 crew, all have s. p.
L. and P.    2    1
GAC    STRYMON    ENT 8    Filipino, Greek, and Ukrainian    24 crew, all have s. p. L. and B.    2    1
BIE    ZITA SCHULTE    ENT 9    Croatian, Filipino, Ghanaian, Latvian, Myanmar, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, and Venezuelan    20 crew, all have s. p. L. and P.    3    2
Payton Huang from West Houston Christian Church came and helped the ministry.


1.   Please pray for the family of Johnn Oliver (O/S) on the ship Paradowski.

2.   Please pray for the salvation of Chris Lozaves (O/S) on the ship Rms Fraternity.

3.   Please pray for the family of Jonel C. Tadia (A/B) on the ship Seaboard Galaxy.
4.   Please pray for the salvation of Viray Pravin Tanoel (A/B) on the ship Seagalaxy.

5.   Please pray for the family of Eric Gallenito (O/S) on the ship Storholmen.

6.   Please pray for the salvation of Tandel Aniket (O/S) on the ship Spar Hydra.

7.   Please pray for the Christian family of Jay Reyes (Oiler) on the ship Stolt Achievement.

8.   Please pray for the family of Alexandros Poulikidis (3/O) on the ship Strymon.

9.   Please pray for the family of Benjamin Nii Okai Adjetett (A/B) on the ship Zita Schulte.


The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. (Rom. 16:20)

1627 Gingerleaf Ln.
Houston, Tx. 77055

Sunday, January 26, 2025

01/19/25 – 01/25/25

  Dear Seafarers’ Friends:                                                                                         01/19/25 – 01/25/25

Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven
spirits before his throne, and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the
dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. (Rev. 1:4,5)

L. and B. - Left Scriptures, Gospel materials, Jesus DVDs on the vessel. Blessed the sailors.
L. and tP. - Left Scriptures, Gospel materials, and Jesus DVDs on board. Prayed and blessed the crew.

1 ship on Thursday (01/23):
BLW    BBG LIJIANG    CAR 2    All Chinese    21 crew, none of the crew has s. p.             L. and P. (See pic. 1)    2    2

Nancy Tao from WHCC came and helped the ministry today.

6 ships  on Saturday (01/25):
ASC    LADY SACHA    J/P 5    German, Indian, Russian, and Ukrainian    23 crew, some of the crew have s. p.
L. and B. (See pic. 2)     5    3
BLW    VICTORIAN TRADER    CAR 1    All Chinese    20 crew, none of the crew has s. p.
L. and B. (See pic. 3)    6    2
INC    CRYSTAL TRINITY    ENT 5    All Indian    23 crew, all have s. p.
L. and P.     3    2
MAX    BLACKCOMB SPIRIT    ENT 6    Chinese, Filipino, Indian, and Romanian    22 crew, all have s. p. L. and P.    2    2
MEV    CARAVEL    ENT 7    Croatian, Filipino, Latvian, Montenegrin,  Russian, Serbian, and Ukrainian    22 crew, all have s. p.
L. and B.    3    1
SPT    NAVIGATOR LIBRA    ENT 9    Croatian, Filipino, Indian, Polish, and Russian    19 crew, all have s. p.
L. and P.    2    1

Payton Huang from West Houston Christian Church came and helped the ministry.


1.   Please pray for the salvation of Liu, Janqiou (刘进秋) (3/E); and Wang, Xioleou (王晓亮) (A/B) on
the ship Bbg Lijiang.

2.   Please pray for the salvation of Akaki karanadze (3/O) on the ship Lady Sacha.

3.   Please pray for the salvation of Wong, Zhuanglong (汪中龙) (C/O); Yeng, Chrangqi (闫传奇) (3/O);
Dong, Yuxia (董育侠) (Bosun); and Wang, Layi (王乐毅) (A/B) on the ship Victorian Trader.
4.   Please pray for the salvation of Ali Imraan (2/O) on the ship Crystal Trinity.

5.   Please pray for the Christia

n family of Bengie Apaling (O/S) on the ship Caravel.

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen. (Rev. 22:21)

1627 Gingerleaf Ln.
Houston, Tx. 77055

Saturday, January 18, 2025

01/12/25 – 01/18/25

 Dear Seafarers’ Friends:                                                                                        

01/12/25 – 01/18/25

Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. (Jud. 2)

L. and B. - Left Scriptures, Gospel materials, Jesus DVDs on the vessel. Blessed the sailors.
L. and P. - Left Scriptures, Gospel materials, and Jesus DVDs on board. Prayed and blessed the crew.

6 ships on Saturday (01/18):
NLC    INDUSTRIAL ACE    IND W    Filipino, and Ukrainian    14 crew, none of the crew has s. p.             L. and B. (See pic. 1)    4    3
GUH    AEGEA    KN2    Filipino. Greek, Romanian, and Ukrainian    23 crew, all of the crew have s. p.
L. and P.     2    2
LIT    CEDAR    HFO 3    Filipino, Indian, Pakistani, Romanian, Russian,  Singaporean, and Ukrainian    22 crew, all crew have s. p. L. and P.    3    1
TMA    PRELUDE    STO 11    All Myanmar    23 crew, none has
s. p. L. and B.     2    1
MAX    MATTERHORN EXPLORER    ENT 7    Filipino-17, and South Korean-4    21 crew, some have   s. p. L. and P.    2    2
MGU    GE MI NI SUN    ENT A    Bulgarian, Filipino, Romanian, and Russian    25 crew, none has
s. p. L. and B.    2    1
Payton Huang from West Houston Christian Church came and helped the ministry. (See pic. 2)


 1.   Please pray for the family of Joey C. Rojas (A/B); and Roy Gentelizo (A/B) on the ship MT Aegea.

2.   Please pray for the salvation of Zwe Htet Nyi Nyi (A/B) on the ship Prelude.

3.   Please pray for the family of Stephen Penalosa (O/S) on the ship Matterhorn Explorer.
4.   Please pray for the family of Pawan Komar (A/B) on the ship Ge Mi Ni Sun.

To the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen. (Jud. 25)

1627 Gingerleaf Ln.
Houston, Tx. 77055

Sunday, January 12, 2025

01/05/25 – 01/11/25

 Dear Seafarers’ Friends:                                                                                         01/05/25 – 01/11/25

Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father's son, will be with us in truth and love. (2 Jn. 3)

L. and B. - Left Scriptures, Gospel materials, Jesus DVDs on the vessel. Blessed the sailors.
L. and P. - Left Scriptures, Gospel materials, and Jesus DVDs on board. Prayed and blessed the crew.

2 ships on Thursday (01/09):
ASC    ASIA ETERNITY    CD 20    All Chinese    18 crew, none of the crew has s. p.             L. and B. (See pic. 1)    6    5
GES    GLOBAL SPLENDOUR    CD 29    All Chinese    23 crew, none of the crew has s. p. (See pic. 2, and 3)
L. and P.     4    3

Nancy Tao from West Houston Christian Church came and helped the ministry.

6 ships on Saturday (01/11):
ISS    STOLT SPRAY    VOP 4    Indian, Latvian, Russian, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese    23 crew, some of the crew have s. p. L. and B.     3    2
CAN    XIN MEI ZHOU    B/C 1    All Chinese    24 crew, none of the crew has s. p. (See pic. 4)
L. and B.    5    2
HAP    LONDON EXPRESS    B/C 3    All Indian    25 crew, all of them have s. p. L. and P. (See pic. 5)    4    2
CMA    MH PERSEUS    B/P 5    Chinese, Filipino, Indian, and Ukrainian    24 crew, all of them have  s. p. L. and P. (See pic. 6)    3    1
MAK    MAERSK ATLANTA    B/P 4    All American    22 crew. L. and B.    1    1
NLC    GAZ ZHUJIANG    B/R 1    Chinese-20, and Indian -3    23 crew, none of the crew  has s. p. L. and B. (See pic. 7)    1    1

Wei-Chuang Su from FBCC, and Payton Huang from WHCC came and helped the ministry today.


 1.   Please pray for the salvation of Lu, Yunsoun (吕永松) (C/O);  Huang, Xeowoo (黄秀武) (C/E);
Guo, Poon (郭鹏) (2/O); Qi, Ton (齐滕) (3/O); and Wong, Huyjuan (王惠君) (A/B) on the ship Asia Eternity.

2.   Please pray for the salvation of Wu, Fung (吴丰) (C/O); Gao, Jiekue (高建奎) (2/O); and Qin, Haiming
(秦海明) (A/B) on the ship Global Splendour.

3.   Please pray for the salvation of Lester John Bravo (O/S) on the ship Stolt Spray.
4.   Please pray for the salvation of Suo, Yuson (石雨生) (Cad); and Sun, Qihou (孙启豪) (3/O) on the ship Xin Mei Zhou.

5.   Please pray for the family of Renvil Reenal (3/O) on the ship of M.V. London Express.

6.   Please pray for the family of Fman Espinosa (O/S) on the ship MH Perseus.

Peace to you. The friends here send their greetings. (3 Jn. 15)

1627 Gingerleaf Ln.
Houston, Tx. 77055

Monday, January 6, 2025

12/29/24 – 01/04/25

 Dear Seafarers’ Friends:                                                                                         
12/29/24 – 01/04/25

Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
(2 Pet. 1:2)

L. and B. - Left Scriptures, Gospel materials, Jesus DVDs on the vessel. Blessed the sailors.
L. and P. - Left Scriptures, Gospel materials, and Jesus DVDs on board. Prayed and blessed the crew.

2 ships on Wednesday (01/01):
AGENT     VESSEL’S NAME        DOCK    NATIONALITY            DETAIL             M.    T.
INC           TCLC QUANZHOU     CD 32     All Chinese           21 crew, none of the                                                                                                                                           crew has s. p.                                                                                                                                         L. and B. (See pic. 1)    6    4
LEW    HUAGHAI STRUGGLER  NM B    All Chinese           23 crew, none of the                                                                                                                              crew has s. p. (See pic.                                                                                                                    2, 3, and 4 ) L. and P.    5    2
Justin Chu from Pearland Chinese Church came and helped the ministry.2

 2 ships on Saturday (01/04):
NLC    PHOENIX GAIA                ENT 7    All Indian              22 crew, some of the                                                                                                                  crew have s. p. L. and B.                                                                                                                      (See pic. 5) All gifted.    3    2
MGU    BOTAN                              ENT 4    All Indian             25 crew, some of the                                                                                                                       crew have s. p. (See pic.                                                                                                                          6) L. and B. All gifted.   6    2
Payton Huang from WHCC came and helped the ministry today.


1.   Please pray for the salvation of Yan, Xian (袁祥) (C/O); Tsou, Jin (曹晶) (3/O); Gou, Jali (郭加利)
(4/E); and Wang, Wenyong (王文杨) (A/B) on the ship Tclc Quanzhou.

2.   Please pray for the salvation of Song, Jeawan (宋家望) (3/O); and Lu, Ziyi (卢子义) (Bosun) on
the ship Huanghai Struggler.

3.   Please pray for the salvation of Thanika Amirthalogam (Bosun) on the ship Phoenix Gaia.
4.   Please pray for the salvation of Viguesh Venkakraman (Capt) on the ship Botan.

To him be glory both now and forever! (2 Pet. 3:18)

1627 Gingerleaf Ln.
Houston, Tx. 77055

In the year of 2024 we visited 373 ships, 58 nationalities.

Sole American crew – 1 ship.
Sole Bangladeshi crew – 1 ship; Mixed Bangladeshi – 17 ships.
Sole Chinese crew - 19 ships; Mixed Chinese crew - 27 ships.
Sole Filipino crew - 29 ships; Mixed Filipino crew - 220 ships.
Sole Indian crew - 31 ships; Mixed Indian crew - 105 ships.
Sole Indonesian crew – 1 ship; Mixed Indonesian crew - 9    ships.
Sole Myanmar crew – 2 ships; Mixed Myanmar crew – 12 ships.                                             
Sole Russian crew - 1 ship; Mixed Russian crew – 37 ships.
Sole Ukrainian crew – 1 ship; Mixed Ukrainian crew – 111 ships.
Sole Vietnamese crew – 1 ship; Mixed Vietnamese crew – 17 ships.
Mixed Algerian crew–1 ship.         Mixed Azerbaijani crew–1 ship.                                        
Mixed Belgian crew–1 ship.          Mixed Brazilian crew–1 ship.          Mixed British crew–4 ships.
Mixed Bulgarian crew–10 ships.   Mixed Cameroonian crew–1 ship.   Mixed Columbine crew–4 ships. 
Mixed Croatian-7 ships.                 Mixed Cypriot crew–1 ship.
Mixed Danish crew–2 ships.          Mixed Dutch crew–6 ships.             Mixed Egyptian crew–3 ships.
Mixed Estonian crew–1 ships.       Mixed Ethiopian crew–3 ships.                        
Mixed French crew–2 ships.          Mixed Georgian crew–8 ships.         Mixed German crew–1 ship.  Mixed Ghanaian crew–7 ships.      Mixed Greek crew-20 ships.            Mixed Honduran crew–1 ship.
Mixed Indonesian crew–9 ships.    Mixed Italian crew–2 ships.             Mixed Ivorian crew–2 ships.
Mixed Jamaican crew–1 ship.        Mixed Japanese crew–3 ships.
Mixed Latvian crew–16 ships.       Mixed Lithuanian crew-2 ships.      Mixed Malaysian crew–16 ships.
Mixed Montenegrin crew–2 ships. Mixed Nigerian crew–2 ships.        Mixed Norwegian crew–2 ships. Mixed Pakistani crew–3 ships.       Mixed Panamanian crew–1 ship.     Mixed Peruvian crew–2 ships. Mixed Polish crew–7 ships.           Mixed Romanian crew-17 ships.      Mixed Saudi Arabian–1 ship. Mixed South African – 1 ship.       Mixed South Korean crew–17 ships. Mixed Spanish-1 ship.
Mixed Singaporean–2 ships.
Mixed Sri Lanka crew–6 ships.      Mixed Swedish–1 ship.                    Mixed Togolese crew–2 ships. Mixed Turkish crew–10 ships.       Mixed Venezuelan–3 ships.                 

Seafarers Receiving Ministry:
American – 2; Bangladeshi – 30; British – 4;
Bulgarian – 10; Chinese - 100; Croatian – 7;
Dutch – 6; Estonian –1; Ethiopian - 4; Filipino – 275; Georgian – 8; German – 2; Ghanaian – 5;
Greek – 12; Indian - 150;
Indonesian – 9; Italian – 2; Latvian – 16; Lithuanian – 2;
Malaysian – 10; Montenegrin – 2; Myanmar – 30; Nigerian – 2;
Panamanian – 2; Peruvian – 2; Polish - 10;
Romanian - 15; Russian – 40;  
South Korean - 7; Sri Lanka – 6;   
Turkish - 10; Ukrainian – 90; Venezuelan – 2; Vietnamese – 18;