Friday, December 21, 2007

12/16/07 - 12/22/07

Dear seafarer's friends, 12/16/07 - 12/22/07

12/15: 1 ship.
OZAY-5 - Turkish. At first no visitor was allowed on board, but God opened the door for
entry. They were receptive on hearing about Jesus birth. The captain came to see me
and asked questions. The vessel came under the power of the Holy Spirit. Much Seed
was planted as they took Turkish Bibles, Scripture portions, literature and Jesus
DVDs. Please read Luke 10:5-7.
ships visited this week
11 ships on Monday:
PETROKREPOST, and PILTENE - Russian. Good responses
EAGLE CENTAURUS, and MAERSK PEARL - Indian, Chinese, Malaysian, Burmese,
British, Ukrainian, and Filipino. Prayed with 1 Chinese and 1 Hindu with the salvation
BERGE EAGLE, and MARATHON - Greek, Norwegian, and Fillipino. Prayed with
them, blessed the ships and their families.
SAGA INTERPRISE - Indian. 4 Cgristians and 2 conversions. It's amazing that so
many came to the messroom to receive their Scriptures and DVDs. The Indians are
gentle, humble people. Some Hindus are seeking the truths see John 14:6.
DOVER CASTLE - Bulgarian, and Sri Lanka. Both nationalities were receptive.
Although the Sri Lankans are nominal Budhists, many are seekers. Two of them were
Christians and one salvation. Many had an interest in this Christmas.
CEC FAITH, BB MAINE, and GLOBAL LEGACY - Russian, and mainly Filipino. As
the name of that 1 vessel indicates, many expressed their faith in Jesus. Prayed and
blessed them.
8 ships on Tuesday:
Indian, and mainly Russian. Some old faces from the previous visits. Receptive.
NEW AMITY, and STOLT TAURUS - Korean, Chinese, and mainly Filipino. Had great
opportunity to chat with the seaman we met on previous visit and prayed with them.
ITB PHILADELPHIA - American. Gave out one NT and Christmas blessings.
TAHIR KIRAN - Turkish. It was a very friendly welcome. Some received the Gospel
materials and the Bible.
10 ships on Thursday:
DOVER CASTLE - Greek, and Filipino. Good and short visit.
TAHIR KIRAN - Turkish. Revisit.
MAERSK WAVE, and MONIUSZKO - Indian, Filipino, Polish, and Chinese. Warmly
welcomed. 2 Christians was recognized on board.
HAI AN CHENG - Chinese. 2 Christians on board. We didn't plan to have dinner on the ship, but we ended up eating with them. Everybody in the dinning room standed up
and gave thanks to the Lord at the meal.
We had 2 volunteers from Houston Chinese church and one from Chinese Lutheran
Church to help us visiting the ships today. Praise the Lord.
HERAKLES - Greek, mainly Filipino. Shared with them the Christmas joy. Many
opportinities for teaching them the Word from the cradle to the cross.
3 ships on Friday:
ALAM MESRA - Chinese. Couldn't get on the ship because of security reason. But the
Lord brought one officer down at the gangway, he became the only one salvation and
took a lot of the Scriptural materials and some Christmas presents.
NAVIGATOR NEPTUNE - Filipino, Ukrainian, and Polish. Received the Christian CDs,
and DVDs with a great gratitude.
PACIFIC CELEBES - Chinese, Filipino, and British captain. We gave the eight
Chinese seamen each a Christmas present and a simplified Holy Bible and a Jesus
DVD. Prayed together with 4 of them. Bless the daptain and the Filipinos.
Grace be with you all. (Heb. 13:25)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

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