Saturday, November 29, 2008

11/23/08 - 11/29/08

Dear seafarer's friends, 11/23/08 - 11/29/08 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (1Co. 1:3)Our weblink is: www.lifelinetoseamen.orgships visited this week 1 ship on Sunday: COMMANDER II - All Filipino. I took three seamen, captain, chief engineer, and fitter to West Houston Chinese Church for Sunday School and Morning Worship. They all enjoyed it. Weibin Lu took them to Wal Mart and back to the ship after lunch. Please keep praying for the financial crisis of the shipping company of this ship. See attachment for their picture. (middle three)6 ships on Tuesday: MICHAEL S, STAR FUJI, and OCEAN ADVENTURE - All Filipino; All Filipino; Indian, three Filipino. Two Indian Christians on the third ship. All very receptive. AMARANTH BRIDGE, and COS CHERRY - All Chinese. Three Christians on the first ship including the captain. They all responsive. Their last port was New Orleans. They said there was a group of Chinese Christians came on board and told them about the Gospel. I prayed with some of them. They wanted me to go back and preach to them. A revisit on the second ship. I promised one of the crew I would come back, and he was waiting for me when I got there. He said the ship is going to sail tonight. I gave him a new 2009 calendar. DOLLART - All Russian, Receptive. They love the Russian holy Bible..8 ships on Wednesday: CHEMBULK TORTOLA, DAEBO FRONTIER, and KAOHSIUNG - All Myanmar; Korean, Filipino, Indonesian, and Myanmar; Mostly Myanmar, Filipino, Polish, Croatian, and Russian. No Christian but all Buddhists on the first ship. There was one Myanmar Christian on the third ship. ALAM GULA, and ANNA SMILE - Filipino, Indonesian, Malaysian, and one Chinese; Filipino, Greek, and Sri Lanka. I didn't meet the only Chinese because he went to shore, but I saw two Indonesian Christians on the first ship. I prayed with one of them. He told me that I was the first one whom he met to pray for him overseas. HOLMEN, and DORINE - All Indian; All Polish. Three Christians on the first ship. SALIH CIHAN - All Turkish. Although there was no Christian on board I was very welcomed. They all liked the Turkish Gospel materials and Scriptures. The bosun told me he is a Muslim and his wife is a Christian. I prayed for him and he was real nice to me.6 ships on Friday: PRINSENBORG, and PANORIA - Filipino, and Dutch; Filipino, and Greek. Responsive. CAPELLA - Lithuanian, and Russian. Receptive. BEI HAI, LIAN HUA HAI, and AMARANTH BRIDGE - All Chinese. We were on the first ship in Jan. last year. I talked to the chief engineer, and asked him to invite Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior. I talked to the captain of the second ship, and helped him to , invite Jesus into his heart to cleanse his heart and give him eternal life. A short sermon before the meal, all the crew in the mess room prayed with me. A Q & A time was after the meal. We had a lot of fun. There was a short revisit on the third ship. They were all on the deck including a Chinese ship ship's chandler. We took a picture together. (see attachment) The chandler is the second one from the right with a hat on. He sometimes gave the first hand information of the Chinese ships, our friend.The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you. My love to all of you in Christ Jesus. Amen. (1Co. 16:23,24) Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Saturday, November 22, 2008

11/16/08 - 11/22/08

Dear seafarer's friends, 11/16/08 - 11/22/08

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. (Ro. 1:7)
Our weblink is:
Attached please see some pictures we took when Mike Cooke was here in Houston last month.
ships visited this week
1 ship on Sunday:
XIAMEN SKY - All Chinese. I took seven seamen including the captain to Houston Chinese Church for
Sunday School and Morning Worship. They all liked it and received Jesus. Only for the captain, this is his
second time for him to make such decision in a week. We met Pastor Malone at HCC. He was visiting there.
Then we went shopping in China Town.
5 ships on Monday: INTREPID RELIANCE, PACIFIC OPAL, and SUMMIT AMERICA - All Indian; Filipino, Indian, Turkish, and
Russian; Filipino, British, and Polish. Four Christians on the first ship. Prayed with one Hindu. We prayed with
the Filipinos, and gave them the Scriptures and the Jesus DVDs.
YONGXING, and BBC TUNISIA - All Chinese; Filipino, Russian, German, Polish, and one Chinese. We were
on the first ship a little bit over three weeks ago. All the crew remained the same. We just delivered some
current Christian Newspaper and magazine. The second ship had a Russian Orthodox captain. We talked to
the only Chinese electrician on board, and convinced him to received Jesus as his personal Lord and savior.
They all received Jesus DVD of their own language.
Steven Chao from WHCC came and help the ship visiting. He was very helpful.
9 ships on Tuesday:
MARY F, OCEAN FORCE, and PETRODVORETS - All Ukrainian; All Ukrainian; All Russian. Receptive as usual.
ALERCE N - Chilean and Mexican. I finished giving all the Spanish NTs I brought but they still wanted more. I
didn't talk much but shew my friendship. They shew their hospitality.
COMMANDER II, SANKO CONFIDENCE, BBC WESER, and ELTANIN - All Filipino; Filipino, and Indian;
Filipino, Maldivian, Sri Lanka, and Indian; Filipino, Russian, Italian, Indian, and Myanmar. Very responsive.
After I prayed with the Filipinos, they wanted to know my name. Please pray for COMMANDER II. The
shipping company is filing bankrupcy. All the seamen of this ship can not get payed for their salary. One
Indian Christian Christian on the second ship.
PACIFIC DREAM - Filipino, Polish, Croatian, Romanian, and two Chinese. I went on board to see the Chinese,
and talked to one of them. He confessed that we are sinners and received Jesus into his heart. 5 ships on Thursday:
Filipino. We were on the first ship last July. Four Christians on board. Not much material taken, just a little bit
follow up. Five Christians on the second ship. Prayed with the Christians and a Hindu. They got the Jesus
DVDs, and Scriptures.
STRYMON - Greek, and Filipino. Receptive. Blessed the crew and the ship.
JIAN QIANG - All Chinese. We were on this ship in April last year. The chief cook knew me. We had a good
talk. The rest of the crew were half interested in the Gospel and half busy. I led some of them to pray with
me and gave glory to the Lord.
8 ships on Friday: STAR FRASER, STAR GRINDANGER, and OSC VLISTDIEP - All Filipino; All Filipino; Filipino, Dutch,
and Polish. We visited the first ship last July, and the second ship last September. We almost always had
good responses from the Filipino ships.
CLIPPER STERLING, and SICHEM EAGLE - Indian, two Filipino, and one Myanmar; Three Indians, Russian,
Ukrainian, and Latvian. Seven or eight Indian Christians on the first ship, and one Indian Christian on the
second ship. Indian ships are
priority ships. Some of them we met before. No matter what the Christian materials they got already, we still
can pray together again.
MARIDA PATNOS, and ERRIA MIE - Peruvian, and Turkish; Polish, and Russian. Receptive.
COS CHERRY - All Chinese. We were on board last July. Some crew had changed since. The others knew me.
We didn't preach to them much, but we did prayed with them to admit that we are sinners and received Jesus
Christ into our hearts. God knows who did it sincerely.
Payton Huang from WHCC joined the ship visiting with me today. Praise the Lord.
To the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen. (Ro. 16:27)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Saturday, November 15, 2008

11/09/08 - 11/15/08

Dear seafarer's friends, 11/09/08 - 11/15/08

Grace and peace to you.
Our weblink is:
Attached please see some pictures we took when Mike Cooke was here in Houston last month.
ships visited this week
9 ships on Monday: DEL SOL, STAR THETA, CFL PERFORMER, NORDIC GLORY, GLORIANA, and BATAVIA - All Filipino; Filipino,.
and Russian; Filipino, and Russian; Filipino, and Russian; Filipino, Indian, and Ukrainian; Filipino, Indian, Ukrainian,
Latvian, Romanian, and Thai. We visited STAR THETA, and GLORIANA before. Four Indian Christians on GLORIANA.
We prayed with the Filipino Catholics and gave them the NIV NTs and Bibles, of course the Jesus DVDs.
SAGA ADVENTURE, VINALINES SKY, and TOSCANA - All Indian but one Ukrainian chief engineer; All VietNamese;
Polish, and Thai. Three Indian Christians including the captain on the first ship. They all come from Goa. Prayed with the captain and the chief engineer. No Christian on the VietNamese ship. Only distributed the Jesus DVDs and the " Help from
above" booklets. We visited the third ship last April. The Polish was very satisfied with the Scripture and the Jesus DVDs
we gave to him.
Steven Chao from WHCC came and help the ship visiting.4 ships on Wednesday: BBC GEORGIA, and REBECCA - Russian, Ukrainian, and Filipino; Russian, Ukrainian, and Latvian. Receptive.
CITRON - Turkish officers, and Indian crew. No Christian on board, but they received Jesus DVDs and some Scriptures.
CHIPOLBROK SUN - All Chinese. We were on this ship last July. They got the Scriptures, Jesus DVDs, and all the Gospel materials. Some of them were open minded, and some were not. I took the only two who had short passes to Wal Mart.
11 ships on Thursday:
Filipino; All Filipino; All Filipino; All Filipino; Filipino, and Greek; Filipino, Russian, and Ukrainian; Filipino, Russian, and
Polish. They all very polite and responsive to get their Jesus DVDs, and Scriptures.
OCEAN ATLAS, NORDKAP, and BELUGA SKYSAILSK - American; All Russian; Russian, and German. Receptive.
XIAMEN SKY - All Chinese. We were on this ship in May last year. A few of them still knew me, like the chief cook. There
were many seekers on board. At least four or five of them were very interested in Christianity and the Gospel including the
captain. I led them to pray and made a decision to the Lord. Steve Yeboah took nine of them to his church and shopping.
4 ships on Friday: SANKO PHOENIX, CLIPPER MARINA, OCEANIC CORAL, and FASE - All Filipino; All Filipino; Filipino, and Indian;
Filipino, Norwegian, Romanian, and Croatian. We went on all the ships except the first one we stayed down at the gangway. The third ship was ready to sail. They didn't want us to go in, so we only stayed for a short time. We visited the fourth ship in September last year. We gave away more NIV NTs than other ships. We had a good prayer meeting with the captain on
A member from FBCC joined the ship visiting with me today.
4 ships on Saturday:
DARYA SHAKTI - All Indian. Seven Christians on board. Very friendly people. We prayed together, and they got many
Scriptures and Jesus DVDs.
STLIXCO - Filipino, Romanian, Bulgarian, and Croatian. Receptive.
SAFMARINE DOUALA, and TENG FEI HAI - All Chinese. We were on the first ship last August. Most of them knew
my face. They receveied a lot Christian Newspaper and literature this time. Many people wanted to listen to our singing and
testmony. They all received the Gospel very well.
Patrick Cheong, Jenny Feng, Ying Dau Lu, Daniel Jen, and Kelley Kao from HCC came and helped the ministry a great deal.
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen. (Rev.22: 21)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Saturday, November 8, 2008

11/02/08 - 11/08/08

Dear seafarer's friends, 11/02/08 - 11/08/08 Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. (Jude. 2)
Our weblink is:
ships visited this week
2 ships on Sunday:
SOUTHERN SPIRIT, and YIN NING - All Chinese. Picked up one person on each ship to church in the morning and shopping in the
3 ships on Monday: SOUTHERN SPIRIT, LIAN XING HU, and FORMOSA EIGHT - All Chinese. A short revisit on the first ship. One Christian on the second ship, and he was so precious in God's eyes. We all prayed together. Praised to His name. Took two seamen to Wal Mart to shopping,
and sent them back. We were on the third ship in August, last year. Finish delivering all the Gospel Materials.
Steven Chao from WHCC came and help the ship visiting today. It's a wonderful day. 6 ships on Tuesday: IMPERIAL FORTUNE, and PACIFIC MAKASSAR - Filipino, and Korean; Filipino, British, Ukrainian, Australian, and Chinese. Prayed
with the Filipino. One Chinese seeker on the second ship. The captain was a female Australian. Taught two of them to pray the salvation
ATLANTIC ACTION, and SICHEM PARIS - All Russian; Russian, Ukrainian, and Latvian. We were on the first ship last July. They
received the Scriptures, although some resistance.
MASUREN, and UAL ROTTERDAM - All Polish. We were on the second ship last May. They got the Scripture and Jesus DVDs. 14 ships on Thursday:
All Filipino; Filipino, Russian, and Ukrainian; Filipino, Ukrainian, Greek, and Egyptian; Filipino, Russian, Ukrainian, German, and
Romanian. They all excited to get the Jesus DVDs, Scriptures, and be blessed. The Egyptian seaman was so surprised that I gave him an
Arabic NT.
BARENTS SEA, BBC FRANCE, and AFRICAN LARK - All Russian; All Russian; Russian, and Ukrainian. Receptive.
SANMAR MAJESTY, and NORDANA SOPHIE - All Indian; Indian, Thai, and Myanmar. Two Christians on the first ship. Many familiar
faces from previous visits on other Indian ships. Prayed with one Hindu to receive Jesus. One second generation Indian was born in
Myanmar on the second ship. He was the second officer. Oh, how he liked the Tamil NT.
SAKAR, NAZLI G, and IBN KHALDOUN II - All Bulgarian; All Turkish; and All Algerian. Responsive. Some Turkish were crazy about
the Ingel.
4 ships on Friday: NORDIC RUTH, and STOVE TRADITION - Indian, Chinese, and British; All Chinese. We visited the first ship just a little bit over one
month ago. They were four Indian Christians on board. Prayed with one of them. They had only one Chinese on that ship. He was a seeker,
but when we prayed for him he joined the prayer and prayed for us also. What a wonderful fellowship it was. There were many liked the
Christianisty and prayed with us on the second ship. One particular ordinary seaman wanted to invite Jesus in his heart. I led him to pray.
YELLOWSTONE, and SMOLYAN - Myanmar, and one Polish; All Bulgarian. There were three Myanmar Christians including the captain
on the first ship. The captain was a six generation Christian. Right now he is translating an English Acts commentary into Burmese language.
We prayed for him, his family and blessed the ship. The Polish was also a Christian. The Bulgarian ship was very receptive.
Payton Huang from WHCC joined the ship visiting with me today.
Saturday we had a seamen mission small group meeting at WHCC in the afternoon.
To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy - to the only god our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages now and forevermore! Amen.. (Jude. 24,25)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas

Saturday, November 1, 2008

10/26/08 - 11/01/08

Dear seafarer's friends, 10/26/08 -11/01/08 Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father's Son, will be with us in truth and love. (2 Jn. 3)
ships visited this week
CONFIDENCE, and NANOS - All Filipino; All Filipino; All Filipino; Filipino, and Polish; Filipino, and Croatian; Filipino, and Greek;
Filipino, and Korean; Filipino, Russian, and Ukrainian; Russian, Ukrainian, Filipino, Indonesian, and Slovenian. Two Korean Christians on AGIA. Distributed the Scriptures prayed with them and blessed the crew.
ANYA - Ukrainian, and Ghana. Receptive.
Steven Chao from WHCC came and help the ship visiting. We are all learners from this ministry. 12 ships on Tuesday: AMITY ACE, NASSAUBORG, VEGA SPIRIT, and MAERSK HUMBER - All Filipino; Filipino, and Dutch; Filipino, and Indian; Filipino, British, Scottish, Indian, and Romanian. Prayed with the Indian and Filipino. One Filipino Christian on the last ship had tears in his eyes
when I prayed for his family. Blessed their crew and families.
SKALVA, SOCOL 1, CARIBBEAN CARRIER, and BBC EMS - All Lithuanian; All Lithuanian; Russian, and Estonian; Russian, Ukrainian, and German. It's a revisit on the first ship, but this time I met the friendly Christian captain. We were on the third ship last July. They all
received the Scriptures and Jesus DVDs.
BERNORA, and PUNTA ANGAMOS - All Indian; All Chilian. We were on the first ship last July. Three Christians on board. Prayed with
one Christian and one Muslim. Chilians love the N.T. Bibles. CARIBBEAN SPIRIT, and UAL CYPRUS - Myanmar, and Korean; Dutch, and Polish. There was only one Korean Christian, the chief
engineer, and only one Myanmar Christian, the general steward, on the first ship. They were very hospitable and friendly.
5 ships on Wednesday:
DANICA VIOLET, and ANYA - Filipino, and Danish; Ukrainian, and Ghana. A revisit on the second ship. Sent them more English
STENA FR8 1 - All Indian. We were on this ship last July. Three Christians on board. One of the Christians was extremely nice to me. He
knew me from last time. Prayed with six of them, most of them were Hindus. Blessed the ship.
CHEMBULK HONGKONG, and JOSE BRIGHT - Myanmar, and one Korean; All Myanmar. Three Christians on the first ship including
the Korean captain. One seeker whom I met five years ago at a different ship on JOSE BRIGHT. He spoke perfect Chinese Mandarin. I
gave him God's word and encouraged him to grow in faith in the Lord. It's so thrilling to see friend like that.
5 ships on Friday: NORD SPIRIT, and DIKLO - All Filipino; All Croatian. Brought them the Spiritual food. They were happy so were we.
RAINBOW, and SOPHIE RICKMERS - All Indian; Myanmar, Ukrainian, and Lithuanian. Five Christians on the Indian ship. We only met
two of them. Prayed with them and the Hindus. They all very receptive.
YIN NING - All Chinese. We were never on this ship before. This was a less than one year old ship. There were some people their parents
and families are Christians. We talked to the captain, and he received Jesus in his heart. Also some other crew members. They received all
the Scriptures and materials. At least one of them can come to church with me on Sunday. They invited us to have dumpling on board.
Payton Huang from WHCC joined the ship visiting with me today.
8 ships on Saturday: CLIPPER LEGEND, BBC ANGLIA, and MOORGATE - All Russian; Russian, Ukrainian, and Bulgarian; Russian, Ukrainian, and Danish.
As we prayed some of them, they were quite receptive.
SPAR CETUS, and ELM GALAXY - All Indian; All Bengalese. Four or five Indian Christians on the first ship. We met one of them. Prayed
with him and gave him the Scripture. No Christian on the second ship. They received the Scripture and Jesus DVD too.
NASSAUBORG - All Filipino. Very responsive.
CHIPOLBROK MOON, and SOUTHERN SPIRIT - All Chinese. We were on the first ship last June. The captain was a Buddhist, but not
far from salvation. We finished all the Gospel materials for this ship. We visited the second ship in last July. This was just an initial visit. Ting Chang Huang from WHCC came and visited the seamen with me today. Praised the Lord. Peace to you. The friends here send their greetings. (3 Jn. 15)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao