Saturday, April 4, 2009

03/29/09 - 04/04/09

Dear seafarer's friends, 03/29/09 - 04/04/09

Grace and peace to you.
Our web-link is:
ships visited this week
6 ships on Monday:
Filipino, and Indian; Filipino, Indian, and Fijian. Receptive. Prayed with them and
blessed their families.
COS ORCHID, NORD RIO, and CHANG QIANG - All Chinese. A revisit
on the last ship, prayed with the Christian on board. (see picture). Took two
people to Wal Mart on the second ship, and prayed with them. Prayed with six
seamen on the first ship.
5 ships on Tuesday:
OLMECA, MAYA and THOR NEPTUNE - Filipino, and Indian; Filipino, and
Indian; All Thai. We were on the first ship last Sep., the second ship last Dec.,
and the last ship last Jun. They all receptive. Prayed with them and delivered to
them the Scriptures, the Gospel pamphlets and the Jesus DVDs.
STOVE TRADER, and TOP RICH - All Chinese. We were on the second ship
last Jun. One Christian on board. He was the Fitter. Prayed with four of them.
(see picture). Prayed with six seamen on the first ship. (see picture)
5 ships on Wednesday:
EXPRESS - All Turkish; All Turkish; All Indian; Russian, Turkish, and Indian;
All Ukrainian. We visited the fourth ship last Aug. (see picture of the first ship).
(see picture of the second ship). There were three Christians on the third ship, the
second officer, his wife, and a cadet. They all got the Scriptures and Jesus
3 ships on Thursday:
DUBAI LEGEND, and GENMAR MINOTAUR - Both ships were Filipino,
and Indian. Four Indian Christians on the first ship, Chief cook, chief officer,
second officer, and third officer. Two Indian Christians on the second ship,
second officer, and a cadet.
MOONLIGHT VENTURE - All Chinese. We were on this ship the end of last
Feb. Some of the crew have been changed since. I gave out some new Gospel
material and a little bit follow up lessons. Warmed up the friendship with the chief
cook and the general steward. (see picture)
6 ships on Friday:
OVERSEAS AMBERMAR, and PRETTY LADY - All Filipino. Receptive.
CHEM TAURUS, and PANAM ATLANTICO - Both ships were Myanmar,
and Croatian. We visited the second ship last Dec. There were two Myanmar
Christians on the first ship. They were all responsive.
CHEM STAR, and NORD OPTIMISER - All Indian. We were on the second
ship last Oct. There were five Christians on the first ship, Chief engineer, second
engineer, motor man, bosun, and an ordinary seaman. The one in the middle is
the motor man. (see picture), One Christian on the second ship, the second
Payton Huang from WHCC and one person from FBCC came and helped the
visitation. Payton drove my car today. I was a little upset about him. My apology.

For those who are interested in knowing about TWIC, the phone number is
(866) 347-8942 , The link is

Jesus says, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" John 11: 25-26. I pray you do believe that Jesus sacrificially laid down His life by shedding His innocent blood. Have faith in His resurrection power for the forgiveness of our sins, life and salvation. Purposely dedicate your life this Easter to service our Risen Lord in love with power coming from the Holy Spirit. Because Jesus lives, I also will live. Fix your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfector of our faith. Have a blessed Easter!

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen. (Rev.22: 21)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

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