Saturday, September 26, 2009

09/20/09 - 09/26/09

Dear seafarer's friends, 09/20/09 - 09/26/09

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (Gal. 1:3)

Our web-link is:
ships visited this week
12 ships on Monday:
GASCHEM TANA, ANNEGRET, and MANUELA - All Filipino; Filipino,
and Indian; Filipino, and Polish; Filipino, and German; Filipino, and German;
Filipino, and Russian. We visited the first and second ship over two years ago,
the third ship last May. All receptive. Prayed with the Filipino. (see picture 1
for the crew on the first ship).
BBC OSTFRIESLAND, and EMIRATES STAR - Japanese, Indian, and
Filipino; Polish, Romanian, and Filipino; Jamaican, Russian, and Filipino;
Venezuelan, Polish, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, and Filipino; Montenegro, Ghanaian,
Sri Lanka, Polish, Ukrainian, and Filipino; Bangladesh, Indonesian, and Indian.
We visited the first ship last Feb., the fifth ship about two and half years ago. All
responsive. Prayed with them and blessed the crew. (see picture 2 for the crew
on the fourth ship).
Steven Chao from WHCC came and helped the ship visitation a great deal.
9 ships on Tuesday:
GENMAR AGAMEMNON - All Filipino; Filipino, and Russian; Filipino, and
Indian; Filipino, and Greek; Filipino, Indian, Russian, and Portuguese. We
visited the second ship and the last ship over a year ago. There was one Indian
Christian on the third ship, the first engineer. They were generally receptive.
Prayed with them and blessed the ships
Korean; Korean, three Chinese, and Myanmar; Indian, and one from
Singapore; Venezuelan, and Russian. We were on the first and second ship last May. Prayed with one Chinese and one Korean on the second ship. Responsive.
5 ships on Thursday:
TRADER, and ANARITA - All Indian; All Indian; Indian, and one Russian;
Polish and Filipino; All Ukrainian.. We were on the first ship last Jun., the
second last Mar. the third ship last Apr. There were three Christians on the first
ship, an able seaman, a cadet, and chief cook. There were two Christians
on the second ship, chief cook, and pump man. (see picture 3 for some of the
crew). There were four Christians on the third ship, electrician, third engineer,
fourth engineer, and a motor man. (see picture 4) for the Christians and Hindus.
Prayed with them, blessed the crew and their families.
6 ships on Friday:
TRAVELLER, and BERGE NANTONG - All Filipino; Filipino, and Russian;
Filipino, and Chinese; Filipino, and Indian; Filipino, Russian, and one Chinese;
All Indian. We visited the first ship and the second ship about a year ago. We
were on the third ship last Jun., the fifth ship last Jul., and the last ship over two
years ago. There were three Christians on the last ship, chief cook, an able
seaman, and a motorman.
The only one Chinese seaman on the fifth ship was a motorman. He knew me
from the last visit. He told me he has one more month to go for his contract on
this ship. That shows how eagerly he wants to go home especially on this
environment which everyone is a foreigner to him.
(see picture 5 for the third ship - Chinese and Filipino crew). The Filipino
seamen were very excited to take the picture. They said to each other that their
faces are going to be posted. I told them yes. Before I left the ship, I gave one
Chinese ordinary seaman a simple plastic cross necklace showing my gratitude. I
was so thrilled because he put it on his neck right away.

This is a continuation on personal evangelism. We can learn from Jesus on our public profession of faith. Luke relates a very interesting story in chapter 5 verses
1-11 on soul winning. Jesus was in a boat on the Sea of Galilee teaching a crowd of people around Him. They were intently listening to the Word of God. Then He
taught His disciples to practice by example, after catching a large number of fish that their nets began to break. In verses 10-11 Jesus said to Peter, "Don't be afraid; from now on you'll be fishers of men." So the disciples pulled the boat on shore, left everything and followed the Messiah. Jesus reveals Himself to us as our personal Savior. As fishers of men and women. We share God's love with those we contact. I'll tell a story about a heavenly taxi driver as he is well known in Pusan, South Korea. He would share Jesus with all
of his customers. To his amazement, many were receptive and some were saved. There are seafarers who diligently share their faith on their ship. They are like a family on board, everyone knowing everybody else. Some have a weekly Bible study, and we equip them with needed Bibles, study materials, DVDs and CDs. Many are worldwide missionaries. We're living in astonishing times. Don't fear the future. Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart. The coming turmoil will unravel many opportunities for us to share
the Gospel. Be ready to give your faith and hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls. Here is a revealing statistic on giving. Americans provide 45 percent of all benevolent giving worldwide even though we're only 4.5 percent of the world's population. This is far more than any other nation gives, and it's even more dramatic
on a per capital basis. For example, the average US citizen gives 14 times more to charity than the average Italian. Thank you for your prayers. Please send your love gift to Rose, our dear sister and treasurer at this address. Att: Rose Young
West Houston Chinese Church
c/o Lifeline to Seamen Inc.
10638 Hammerly Blvd.,
Houston, Texas 77043

God richly bless you. Maranatha!

For those who are interested in knowing about TWIC, the phone number is (866) 347-8942 The link is

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers. Amen. (Gal. 6:18)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Saturday, September 19, 2009

09/13/09 - 09/19/09

Dear seafarer's friends, 09/13/09 - 09/19/09

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (2Co. 1:2)

Our web-link is:
ships visited this week
1 ship on Sunday:
FORMOSA SEVEN - All Chinese. We were on this ship last Jan. A lot of
people knew me from the FORMOSA ships. I gave away all the Scripture,
Jesus DVD's, and materials I brought with me, and prayed with them. (see
picture 1 with some). Took captain, chief engineer, and a cadet to Wal Mart
shopping. (see picture 2). Captain and I chatted on the way. He said he liked
Christian songs very much. He doesn't object Jesus and Christianity. We four
prayed the salvation prayer in the car at the end of the journey. Praised the Lord.
3 ships on Monday:
HERCULES, CLIPPER SIRIUS, and BLACK SEA - Filipino, Russian, and 6
Chinese; Filipino, Polish, and Norwegian; Filipino, Indian, Romanian, and 1
Chinese. We were on the second ship last Jan, and we visited the last ship last
Jun. All receptive. Prayed with the Chinese and Filipino. Delivered the Gospel
Steven Chao from WHCC came and helped the ship visitation greatly.
6 ships on Tuesday:
SPIRIT, and ELLENSBORG - All Filipino; Filipino, and Russian; Filipino, and
Greek; Filipino, and Indian; Filipino, Indian, and Croatian; All Indian. We visited
the first ship last Mar., this was the twelfth time visit in the last two and half
years; the second ship last Jul., the fourth ship last Aug. We were on the last ship
last Aug. There were five Christians on board, general steward, fitter, an able
seaman, an ordinary seaman, and chief engineer. (see picture 3) for some of
Prayed with them and blessed the crew.
5 ships on Thursday:
BBC ARAMIS, SEAPIKE, and BLUE JADE - All Filipino; Filipino, and Greek;
Filipino, and Korean. We visited the first ship last Nov. All responsive. Blessed
the crew and the ships.
AFRICAN FALCON, and ATLANTIC GRACE - All Indian; All Indian. There
were five Christians in each ship. Chief cook, chief officer, bosun, and two able
seaman on the first ship. Chief cook, chief officer, bosun, assistant engineer, and
an able seaman on the second ship, (see picture 4) for the Christians and Hindus.
Prayed with them and blessed their families.
11 ships on Friday:
OVERSEAS GALENA BAY - All Filipino; All Filipino; All Filipino; Indian, and
Filipino; Danish, and Filipino; Dutch, and Filipino; Greek, Ukrainian, and Filipino;
Romanian, Ukrainian, and Filipino; Indian, Ukrainian, Portuguese, and Filipino;
All Russian; All American. We visited the first ship about two years ago, the
fourth ship last May, the ninth ship over two years ago, the tenth ship last Mar.
We were on the eighth ship last May. All receptive. Prayed and blessed the ships.
Payton Huang from WHCC came and helped the ship visitations a lot today.

This writing is a continuation on personal evangelism. Listening and loving others are basic ingredients to sharing Jesus and gaining their confidence. We all have a mandate to be witnesses of our Lord's death, burial and glorious resurrection. However, God has given some a calling to be His full time evangelists and missionaries. Your full time servants with Lifeline To Seamen are chosen to faithfully carry out the duties bestowed upon us. We cannot do His work alone. Your prayers, finances, encouragement and over-all help are needed for this ministry to achieve our high calling. We're living in most amazing times. Repeatedly, you've heard that Jesus is coming soon. This truth may be closer than we realize. Let's be ready and by the Holy Spirit prepare others for His eminent return. Missionerlogists are giving us startling conservative statistic. Every day some 150,000 souls are coming to faith in Christ worldwide. It's estimated for every Bible handed out, 10 to 15 souls are saved. This is the power of the Word. Thousands are becoming believers through visions and dreams unprecedented as never before. There's a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit among the Muslims. I encounter a Myanmar seaman who had a similar experience. It was a miracle this Muslim was fully convinced that he saw Jesus in his dream. More leaders are being equipped to establish churches in this age of grace. Although the world is changing so rapidly, God is still in control. The seafarers are saying that we're living in uncertain times. Fear is gripping the world. Remember 2 Timothy 1:7, "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, power and a sound mind." Let's live victorious lives in Christ our Savior. Thank you for standing with us in these troubled times. Please send your love gift to Rose, our dear sister and treasurer at this address. Att: Rose Young
West Houston Chinese Church
c/o Lifeline to Seamen Inc.
10638 Hammerly Blvd.,
Houston, Texas 77043

God richly bless you. Maranatha!

For those who are interested in knowing about TWIC, the phone number is (866) 347-8942 The link is

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. (2Co. 13:14)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Saturday, September 12, 2009

09/06/09 - 09/12/09

Dear seafarer's friends, 09/06/09 - 09/12/09

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (1Co. 1:3)

Our web-link is:
ships visited this week
4 ships on Tuesday:
IKAN ALTAMIRA - All Indian; All Indian; All Indian; Filipino, and Chinese.
We were on the second ship last Sep., the third ship last Apr. There were five
Christians on the first ship, chief cook, second cook, general steward, second
officer, and motorman. (see picture 1) for some of them. There were two
Christians on the second ship, chief cook and an ordinary seaman. There were
five Christians on the third ship, chief cook, fitter, motorman, third engineer, and
an able seaman. (see picture 2). Prayed with some of them and some Hindus.
We were on the last ship last Jul. Prayed with the captain and the Chinese
second officer, and a Chinese cadet.
4 ships on Wednesday:
CORAL - All Myanmar, and two Filipino; Korean, and Filipino; All Indian;
Indian, and Filipino. We were on the first ship last Dec., the third ship last Apr.
We visited the last ship a little bit over a year ago. There were nine Christians on
the all Indian ship, chief cook, second cook, general steward, chief officer,
second officer, third engineer, two oilers, and an able seaman. Prayed with some
of them and some Hindus. (see picture 3 & 4). All receptive.
11 ships on Thursday:
LEGEND, and GENMAR DAPHNE - Filipino, and Russian; Filipino,and
Russian; Filipino, and Russian; Filipino, and Greek; Filipino, Egyptian, Iraqi, and
Jordanian; Filipino, Russian, Croatian, Portuguese, and Indian. We visited the
first ship last Dec., the second ship last Jan., the third and fourth ship over a year
ago, the last ship last Jun. They all responsive. Prayed with them and blessed the
and two Russian; Croatian, and Myanmar. We were on the last ship last Jan.
There were five Christians; three Indian, chief cook, general steward, and an able
seaman; two Russian, chief officer, and third officer, on the second ship. (see
picture 5) for the Indian seamen. Receptive.
CHONG MING, and NEW CONSTELLATION - All Chinese; Filipino,
Indian, and Chinese. We were on the first ship fifteen days ago. This time was a
revisit, just delivered some current Chinese Christian Newspaper. We were on
second ship over two years ago. Prayed with them. (see picture 6 for some of
Chinese crew and the Filipino captain).
4 ships on Saturday:
NEPTUNE - All Indian; All Indian, and one Russian; Ukrainian, and Filipino; All
Thai. We were on the first ship over two years ago, the second ship last Apr. We
visited the third ship fifteen days ago, and the last ship last May. There were three
Christians on the first ship, fitter, general steward, and a cadet; six Christians on
the second ship, captain, two able seamen, second officer (the only Russian), an
ordinary seaman, and the third engineer. Prayed with them and some Hindus.
(see picture 7 & 8).
Wei Bin Lu from WHCC came and helped the ship visitations a lot today.

Evangelism personalized! It's important for us to communicate the Gospel
simply and understandably. We must rely upon the Holy Spirit to take control of our words and actions. He'll lead us into all truth giving us the words to speak and guiding our footsteps. In many ways we display our lives by sharing the suffering, death,
burial, and glorious resurrection. Thank God for the cross. We exemplilify the cross by listening intently and loving as Christ loved us.
Instead of doing all the talking, we need to listen to what others are saying. By doing this we show that we're genuinely interested in them. We respect their personhood by placing them on our level. They in turn respect us as we gain their trust and honesty. Thomas and a co-worker were visiting a Chinese vessel. They were sharing Jesus
with them. At first they didn't believe. After many of their questions were answered, they put their faith in Christ their Savior. We exemplify the cross by loving others as Christ loved us. "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers." 1 John 3:16. Often our acts speak louder than words. We're available to help them in any way we can. Security is strict and many seamen
are not allowed to go ashore. We're able to take ashore some who do have a shore pass. We love them as God's children. This week Thomas reported that he visited a ship with some Russian, Indian and 5 Chinese on board. He particularly ministered to all of the Chinese and prayed with some to believe in Jesus. As he left, one
approached him asking for "Bibles, DVD, and Christian literature. They were lonely and responded to the love Thomas displayed in a tangible way. Thank you for allowing us to share the goodness of transformed lives. We're so grateful for your partnership in this global spiritual harvest. As you feel led, we invite you to have a part by contacting our treasurer, Rose Young, at this address. Att: Rose Young
West Houston Chinese Church
c/o Lifeline to Seamen Inc.
10638 Hammerly Blvd.,
Houston, Texas 77043

God richly bless you. Maranatha!

For those who are interested in knowing about TWIC, the phone number is (866) 347-8942 The link is

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you. My love to all of you in Christ Jesus. Amen. (1Co. 16:23,24)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Saturday, September 5, 2009

08/30/09 - 09/05/09

Dear seafarer's friends, 08/30/09 - 09/05/09

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. (Ro. 1:7)

Our web-link is:
ships visited this week
5 ships on Monday:
NESTOS, and CHIPOLBROK SUN - All Filipino; Filipino, and Russian;
Filipino, seven Chinese, and one Myanmar; Russian, and Georgian; All Chinese.
We visited the first ship over a year ago. (see picture 1 with the Chinese chief
officer, Myanmar electrician and some others). Prayed with the Myanmar
Buddhist. He liked the Jesus DVD. We were on the last ship last April. The
general steward was very nice to me. May the Lord pays him back.
4 ships on Tuesday:
OVERSEAS ORION - Filipino, and Indian; Filipino, and Indian; Filipino,
Korean, and Myanmar; Filipino, Russian, Chinese, and Romanian. We were on
the first ship last Jul., the second ship last Mar. There were three Christians on
the second ship, captain, third engineer (the only Filipino), and general steward.
(see picture 2). (see picture 3 with Steven and the crew on the last ship).
Steven Chao from WHCC came and helped the visitation today.
4 ships on Wednesday:
- All Myanmar; All Turkish; All Russian; All Chinese. We were on the first ship
last Jun. There was only one Christian on board, the assistant engineer. The
second ship was a little resistant, but they still liked the Gospel materials I gave
to them. The Chinese ship was busy with the ship chandler, however, I used a
chance to pray with them and took a picture for them. (see picture 4).
2 ships on Thursday:
SONGA TOPAZ, PORT KELANG - All Filipino; All Chinese. (see picture 5
& 6 with Peter and some of the Chinese crew). We prayed with them, shared
God's Word with them and answered their questions for over two hours. We
all felt blessed by the Holy Spirit.
One of the Directors of Lifeline to Seamen Peter Ko, also representing WHCC
came and helped the ship visitation.
2 ships on Friday:
STENA FR8 1, and ETERNAL CONFIDENCE - All Indian; All Chinese. We
were on the first ship last Feb., the second ship in Jul. last year. There were five
Christians on the Indian ship, two motormen, second cook, general steward, and
the third officer. Shared God's Word with one of the motormen. Prayed with
them and some Hindus. (see picture 7). Prayed with the Chinese seamen
and watched the Jesus DVD with them. (see picture 8).

Director Peter Ko and I arrived at the ship PORT KELANG a little bit after 5:30 pm on Thursday. All crew members were just about finishing their dinner there. While most of them were still in the mess room, we gave them the Chinese Scriptures, Jesus DVD's, Gospel materials and some Christian literature. I brought a copy of everything
and went upstairs to see captain. He went ashore and the door was locked. So I left the copy to the third officer whose room is next to the captain's.
When I came back to the mess room, Peter was preaching and talking to these
three people, fitter, electrician, and an ordinary seaman. He was answering questions
about God's existence. He told them God's creation, God's friend Abraham, and the
forming of the nation Israel. I joined in the discussion, and showed them the Scripture
Ephesians 2:8,9 - For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast.
First they refused to believe, but after we explained to them how God loves us,
they wanted to believe. What a drastic change we saw. We prayed together three
times. We were so glad we were there to testify their faith. (see picture 6, Peter and
the three converters).
Thank you kindly for your faithful prayers, financial support and endearing encouragement. Please send your tax deductible love gifts to our treasurer, Rose Young, at this address. Att: Rose Young
West Houston Chinese Church
c/o Lifeline to Seamen Inc.
10638 Hammerly Blvd.,
Houston, Texas 77043

God richly bless you. Maranatha!

For those who are interested in knowing about TWIC, the phone number is (866) 347-8942 The link is

To the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen. (Ro. 16:27)
Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao