Friday, February 29, 2008

02/24/08 - 03/01/08

Dear seafarer's friends, 02/24/08 - 03/01/08

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (2Co. 1:2)
02/01: 4 ships
SCM ELPIDA, BOW EURAPE, and JO DASHI - Russian, and mainly Filipinos. A splendid time of
sharing, Prayed and blessed them and their families.
ID SYMPHONY - Chinese. The Chinese are hungry for the Word, and God has given us a mandate to
share the Gospel with them. They are so receptive, and we should not miss the opportunity. God is
pouring out His mercy upon them in this time of history.
02/04:5 ships
Filipino. Good response and much of God's Word given out.
ST. GEORG - Croatian, and Burmese. This vessel was here 2 months ago, so it's a good opportunity
to followup. The Holy Spirit led the way as 4 more Burmese were saved by the redeeming blood of
Jesus. Spent 2 hours ministering to them.
02/06:6 ships.
ATLANTIC TRADER, and ANTALINA - Russian. Gladly took some Scriptures and be blessed.
CHEM COSMOS, and AURORA AMETHYST - Filipino. They came to receive their Scriptures and
DVDs, blessed them and their families.
NNEMTAS-2 - Turkish. Someone had left a DVD of the Jesus movie on board. This evangelistic tool
opened the way for more Gospel witness. The Holy Spirit opened up their hearts to want to learn more
about Isa (Jesus). Spent about 2 hours ministering to them.
DIAMOND OCEAN - Burmese. This ship was visited 2 months ago and received a Jesus DVD on board.
This created a great interest for sharing the Gospel truth. There were 5 Christians who shared their faith.
ships visited this week
2 ships on Monday:
ATLANTIC FRONTIER - Indian. This is a 3 months old brand new ship. The captain is a half Sikh and
half Christian (he said it himself). We prayed together to ask Jesus to coming into his heart and
blessed him. The fitter is a Christian, he shared his faith. And 2 Hindus came to search for truth and
prayed the salvation prayer. There is an urgency in Indian for Gospel instead of Muslim.
MARITIME ROSEMARY - Filipino, Indian, and Malaysian.. A short but responsive visit.
I went to see Pastor Malone at Mark's house this afternoon. He is going to take off the bandage of the surgery for the new defibrillator tomorrow. He is everything but weak. Let's keep praying.
8 ships on Tuesday:
Chinese; Filipino, and Norwegian; All Filipino. All the ships were receptive and received the prayers and
blessings. 5 Chinese came and shew their interests in the Christianity. I gave them the Scriptures and
prayed with them.
CAKE - Turkish. Some liked the Bible some didn't. We debated the role of Jesus. The 2nd officer finally
agreed with me to pray for him and gave me his email address.
ONEGO VOYAGER - Chinese. 1 able seaman admitted that he is a Christian but not baptized yet. His
family are all Christians or seekers. He wanted to get baptized with his wife. 6 people came to pray with
JANNIE-C, and HYUNDAI TREASURE - Romanian, Russian, and New Zea-lander; Korean, and
Burmese. Gave out Scriptures, prayed and blessed the vessel.
8 ships on Wednesday:
BRAUNSCHWEIG has Korean sailors. Friendly welcomed, prayed, gave the Scriptures, encouragement
and blessed their families.
CEC CONCORD, BBC JADE, and MONT ACE - Russian; Ukrainian; Russian, Romanian, and 1
Chinese. The only one Chinese cadet was so lonely. This is his first time on the sea. He has worked
six months for a year contract. It was very hard for him and the language barrier but he kept the faith. I
led him to the Lord and prayed with him. Please pray for this young cadet. His mother is a Christian.
LIAN YUN HU - Chinese. We were on this vessel last March. Four people came to pray and received
Jesus in their hearts.
Pastor Malone's Doctor exam was good. He is going to have another exam day after tomorrow.
3 ships on Friday:
CLIPPER CARIBE - Burmese, and Croatian. Prayed and blessed their families.
FAIRCHEM PEGASUS - Indian. 2 Christians on board. Prayed with a Hindu 2nd officer and the Muslim
captain. Most Hindus believed in prayers. This Muslim captain believed in good works. We let him
know that going to heaven is by God's grace and Jesus' blood. And he agreed.
DA QING - Chinese. We were on this vessel last February. All the crew has been changed since last
visit. The captain and the commissar both are communist, at least the commissar told us he was.
And because they don't want us to distribute the Scriptures and pray. Please pray for the Chinese
communist party. They believed in atheism. What a pity and shame.
Two people came to help the visitation today. One is from Fort Bend Community Church, The other is from katy Community Church.
Pastor Malone had very good reports form the doctor. He needs more exercise and more rest.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. (2Co. 13:14)
Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Friday, February 22, 2008

02/17/08 - 02/23/08

Dear seafarer's friends, 02/17/08 - 02/23/08

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (1Co. 1:3)
ships visited this week
02/16:Steve Yeboah took 8 seamen to his church from GENCO WISDOM.
1 ship on Sunday:
GENCO WISDOM - Chinese. Took 7 seamen to West Houston Chinese Church,
attending the worship service and evangelism class at Sunday School. They all
accepted Jesus Christ in their hearts before they got back to their vessel.
8 ships on Monday:
Estonia; Russian, and Ukrainian; Russian, and Ukrainian. Receptive Spirit.
Bangladesh; Romanian, Filipino, and Sri Lanka; All Filipino. They received the
Scriptures and blessing with great joy. Lakewood Church gave out a lot of John
Osteen's sermon VHS. We gave all of them to the Filipino.
GENCO WISDOM - Chinese. Revisit.
ITAKITA - Venezuelan. A short revisit.
We went to see Pastor Malone at St. Luke Hospital. His heart is doing better. He needs a new defibrillator. The surgery will be scheduled on the next two days. God is answering our prayer.
7 ships on Thursday:
WINA - Chinese. There are many ways to share the Gospel, but there is only one way to get to
eternity, that is through God's only begotten son Jesus Christ. I had a long talk with the captain, First
he refused to pray with me, after I promised to come back tomorrow in exchange of a prayer, he prayed
with me. I told him eternal life is a free gift from God, and asked him if he wanted to take it, he said
yes. The Holy Spirit confirmed his faith. Hallelujah. 2 salvation on this vessel.
MANISAMUT NAREE, and THOR NEPTUNE - Indian, and Thai; All Thai. 4 Christians on the Indian
WESTERHAVEN, and PALAU - Filipino, and Russian; Filipino, and Polish. Prayed and blessed their
families and their vessels.
BAVARIA, and BBC ATLANTIC - Both vessels are Ukrainian, and Russian.
Steven Chao from West Houston Chinese Church came and joined me to visit the ships today. We also
went together to see Pastor Malone.
Pastor Malone had a successful surgery for replacing a new defibrillator in his body this afternoon. He is going home to live with his son Mark tomorrow. He is advised not to drive a car anymore. He needs lots of
rest. Please pray for the full recovery and the body adjustments of the new device for his heart.
4 ships on Friday:
Filipino; Croatian, and Filipino; Indian, and Filipino. 3 Christians and 3 Hindu salvation on the Indian
WINA - Chinese. Revisit. Shared God's Word with them. Led them realized that we are sinners and
saving by grace. Many accepted Eternity as a free gift from God not by works. Prayed and blessed the
Good news for Pastor Malone. He is releasing from the hospital this evening. God answers prayer.
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you. My love to all of you in Christ Jesus. Amen. (1Co. 16:23,24)
Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Friday, February 15, 2008

02/10/08 - 02/16/08

Dear seafarer's friends, 02/10/08 - 02/16/08

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. (Ro. 1:7)
ships visited this week
7 ships on Monday:
PALAWAN, and BOW FAGUS - All Filipino. There were 10 Christians together on
PALAWAN, we prayed, and gave glory to the Lord.
STOLTHAWK - Russian. Responsive.
Filipino, Russian, and Greek; Filipino, Chinese. 1 Chinese salvation, and blessed the
ASHIYA STAR - Chinese. Captain is the only Christian on board. Blessed him and the
ship. Seven seamen came to pray the salvation prayer. Their souls are so precious in
heaven now.
4 ships on Tuesday:
ARCTIC BLIZZARD, and NORDIC STOCKHOLM - Filipino, and Russian; All Russian.
Russian seafarers don't speak much English, but you can tell they are very appreciate
of receiving the Scriptures and the Jesus DVD of their own language, especially the
ITAKITA - Venezuelan. Very friendly and religious people.
CHEMICAL SUPPLIER - Indian. 2 Christians on board, chiefe cook and 1 oiler. Chief
cook is only 23 years old. He wanted us to pray for him and his family.
5 ships on Wednesday:
BBC FRANCE, and AKMI - Russian, and Ukrainian; India, Greek, Moroccan,
Burmese, and Ukrainian. Russian seamen like to teach other people to speak their
own language. They liked the Jesus DVD's. Didn't go on board but blessed the ships.
INDUSTRIAL DART, and GOTLAND SOFIA - Ukrainian, and Filipino; Danish, and
Filipino. Prayed with the Christians, encouraged them and blessed the crew.
TAI AN CHENG - Chinese. We were on this ship last Sep. 3rd. Half of the crew
changed since then. Captain and some other crew were not interested in the Gospel,
but 2 salvations. Praise the Lord.
1 ship on Thursday:
GENCO WISDOM - Chinese. We were a little busy and didn't stay too long on this
ship. Still able to pray the salvation prayer with 1 seaman.
Pastor Chiu from WHCC and Mrs. Joy Pan from Chinese Lutheran Church came and
myself, we went together to see Pastor Malone at Bayshore Medical Center. He is
i gona be staying in ICU till Monday. With all kinds of tubes hanging around his arms,
he still talks humorously, although a little bit weak. The doctor doesn't want him to
drive anymore. Please continue the prayer for him.
We three visited GENCO WISDOM right after the hospital visitation.
Thanks to the many people who concerned about Pastor Malone;s health and visited him.
HIs son Mark said that he has a deceased heart, and the doctor suggested either to tranplantant a new heart or install a mechanical heart, The latest saying is mostly to have a mechanicla heart. Pastor Malone is going to be transfered to St Luke's Hospital on Saturday morning. We will keep you updated again..
To the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen. (Ro. 16:27)
Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Correction: Last week's dates should be 02/03/08 - 02/09/08 instead of 02/03/07 - 02/09/07.
Sorry for the mistake.

Friday, February 8, 2008

02/03/08 - 02/09/08

Dear seafarer's friends, 02/03/07 - 02/09/07

Grace and peace to you.
ships visited this week
3 ships on Monday:
STOLT VALOR, and MARWA - Indian; Russian, Ukrainian, Chilian, and Filipino. There
were 3 Christians including the captain on STOLT VALOR. The captain has a
respectable spirit. Prayed with him and another Christian together. We just praised the
Lord. Prayed and blessed the ship at MARWA.
NORDTIDE - Chinese. 2 Christians and 4 salvations. Took 1 Christian the chief
Engineer, the only one who had a short pass to Wal Mart to shopping. Prayed with
him in the car. He had a dear friend who just passed away recently, he felt really upset
and needed to pray. He was baptized at Evangelical Chinese Bible Church in
Vancouver, and prayed everyday since then. The whole box of Chinese Gospel
materials were all given away. Mission has been accomplished, and yet the prayer still
goes on.
6 ships on Thursday:
BRO PROVIDER, and ANGEL ISLAND - Filipino, Romanian, and Swedish; All Filipino.
Prayed and blessed their families and the ships.
THOR SHANGHAI, BELAIA, and VIJITRA NAREE - Russian; Indian; and Thai. They
were so happy to receive the Gospel materials of their own language. 4 Indian
Chrisstians on BELAIA, the 2nd officer, bosun, wipper, and 1 able seaman.
STARGOLD TRADER - Chinese. The captain is a Christian whom we baptized on
another ship 4 years ago. He invited us to have a special meal "dumpling" at dinner.
We gave a special thanks to God in front of everyone, because today is the Chinese
New Year's day. They all have a special gift from God that's His Word.
Peter Ko from West Houston Chinese Church came to help visiting the ships today.
Thank the Lord.
4 ships on Friday:
SABINA, and MARE DI RAVENNA - Romanian, Bulgarian, Polish, and Latvian;
Italian, and Romanian. Receptivve.
SHINYO INTEGRITY - Chinese. 12 people came to pray the salvation prayer including
the captain, the chief officer, and the chief engineer. The chief engineer is very
knowledgeable about the Bible stories. We shared the God's word with him and the
2nd officer for a long time.
ATLANT SVENJA - Croatian, and Filipino. Blessed the crew, their families, and the
Pastor Malone is sick again. He accumulated some fluid in his lung. Doctor gave him
some medication. He needs a lot of rest, maybe a week. Please pray for his health.
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen. (Rev.22: 21)
Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Friday, February 1, 2008

01/27/08 - 02/02/08

Dear seafarer's friends, 01/27/07 - 02/02/07

Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. (Jude. 2)
1/21: 3 ships. UAL ANGOLA, DESTING1, and STOL HILL - Russian, Polish, and Filipino.
Gave them the Word and the Word blessed them.
Pastor Malone and I had our weekly meeting on the Indian vessel, DS VANGUARD,
and we also visited the Chinese ship, KANG SHENG, together.
1/22: 2 ships. KERIM, and SPT CHALLENGER - Turkish and Indian. The KERIM had
Turkish officers and Indian crew. 1 Indian Christian and 2 seamen turned from
Hinduism to the Christian faith. Pray for God to open the eyes of the Muslims to
believe the Truth. There were many Indian Christians on board the SPT
CHALLENGER, and there was exceptional time of sharing and witnessing.
1/25: 2 ships. CHEMBULK BARCELONA - Burmese. 3 Christians and 1 salvation. Some
were known from previous vessels especially the chief officer have known for 13 years.
They were very hospitable and open to the Gospel.
STOLT HIKAWA - Filipino. A good Spirit filled visit.
ships visited this week
11 ships on Monday:
SWIFT SPLIT, TORM ANNE, JO KASHI, and STAR GRIP - Filipino, Croatian; Filipino;
Filipino; Filipino. Receptive. Gave away a lot of Lake Wood Church vidio tapes.
MARE DI RAVENNA, KARLA OMAYRA, and MARLIN - Romanian, Italian; Russian;.
and Polish. Short visits but responsive.
CHEMBULK WESTPORT - Burmese. Only the cheif cook is a Christian. Prayed with
him, blessed him and his family and the ship.
NEW ETERNITY - Chinese. This ship is going to New Orleans in 2 or 3 days to load
grain. 7 people were open to the invitation for the salvation prayer including the captain
in his cabin and 3 officers in the officer's mess room at the meal. They took all the
Christian literatures, Scriptures, and DVDs.
ORHAN DEVAL - Turkish. The captain was very receptive and took much of God's
Word. This opend the door for a Gospel witness among his crew. Pray that the Holy
spirit will move mightly in Turkey. There is a move of God in this country which is 99%
BISCAGLIA = Romanian, Russian, Bangalodesh, and mainly Indian. There were 4
Indian Christians and one salvation. The other crew members came to receive the
Bibles and for prayer.
2 ships on Tuesday:
volumnia - Indian. 4 Christians and 1 salvation. They were open to the Gospel, received
the Scriptures to seek the Truth themselves.
KOHZAN MARU V - There were no Christians, but before 2 left, 4 received Jesus in
their hearts. After much dicussion, Saw, the 3rd Engineer, also believed in Christ.
Time goes by quickly when ship visiting. The ministry is intense.
12 ships on Wednesday:
Dutch; Filipino, Russian, and Ukrainian; Filipino, Russian. They likeed DVDs and
the new year's calendar, but most of all, they wanted the blessings to their families
and the vessels.
CHANG HANG TAN SUO - Chinese. She is an oil tanker. Stayed 3 hours on the ship
to let them using the cell phone to phone home. 1 Christian and 2 salvations. All the
Gospel materials prepaired were given out.
SITAMIA - Indian, and 4 VietNamese. 5 Christians and 2 salvations. Prayed also with
one Christian, the electric engineer. He has one brother and one uncle who are
Christian prists. He was pleased to give the Bible study booklets and materials to the
other 3 Christians since they went to shore.
SHANGHAI, ISBEL KNUSTEN, and STORM BAY - Russian, and mainly Filipino.
Many key visits with some who were seeking. Prayed with them and blessed their
3 ships on Thursday:
STAR FRASER, and YM JUPITER - Filipino; Russian, and Ukrainian.
Prayed and blessed the vessel.
CHIPOLBROK MOON - Chinese. We were on this ship last Deptember 28. This is
almost totally a new crew. The ship was sailing at dinner time. The Gospel materials
and Scriptures were given out 2 hours earlier. No one was in the mess room, so
knocking on each cabinet door and serving them the Spiritual food was the technique
been used. Most of them were sleeping. 3 salvations and emptied the box.
5 ships on Friday:
THUN - Bulgarian, and Filipino: Russian: Russian, Maldivian, and Filipino: Romanian.
Gave out God's Word, and may whoever received them have the blessings.
SEA RAINBOW - Chinese. 1 Christian on board, the 3rh officer. He became a
Christian and got baptitized when he was a child. First the ship was very resistant
because the commissar didn't want to take any Scripture. As the time went by the
Holy Spirit eased people's hearts. We prayed for the chief cook and his mother inlaw
who is sick at home, and 1 mortorman in the engin room.
Frank came to help visiting the ships today. He really has a heart for the seamen.
To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy - to the only god our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages now and forevermore! Amen.. (Jude. 24,25)
Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao