Sunday, January 26, 2025

01/19/25 – 01/25/25

  Dear Seafarers’ Friends:                                                                                         01/19/25 – 01/25/25

Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven
spirits before his throne, and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the
dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. (Rev. 1:4,5)

L. and B. - Left Scriptures, Gospel materials, Jesus DVDs on the vessel. Blessed the sailors.
L. and tP. - Left Scriptures, Gospel materials, and Jesus DVDs on board. Prayed and blessed the crew.

1 ship on Thursday (01/23):
BLW    BBG LIJIANG    CAR 2    All Chinese    21 crew, none of the crew has s. p.             L. and P. (See pic. 1)    2    2

Nancy Tao from WHCC came and helped the ministry today.

6 ships  on Saturday (01/25):
ASC    LADY SACHA    J/P 5    German, Indian, Russian, and Ukrainian    23 crew, some of the crew have s. p.
L. and B. (See pic. 2)     5    3
BLW    VICTORIAN TRADER    CAR 1    All Chinese    20 crew, none of the crew has s. p.
L. and B. (See pic. 3)    6    2
INC    CRYSTAL TRINITY    ENT 5    All Indian    23 crew, all have s. p.
L. and P.     3    2
MAX    BLACKCOMB SPIRIT    ENT 6    Chinese, Filipino, Indian, and Romanian    22 crew, all have s. p. L. and P.    2    2
MEV    CARAVEL    ENT 7    Croatian, Filipino, Latvian, Montenegrin,  Russian, Serbian, and Ukrainian    22 crew, all have s. p.
L. and B.    3    1
SPT    NAVIGATOR LIBRA    ENT 9    Croatian, Filipino, Indian, Polish, and Russian    19 crew, all have s. p.
L. and P.    2    1

Payton Huang from West Houston Christian Church came and helped the ministry.


1.   Please pray for the salvation of Liu, Janqiou (刘进秋) (3/E); and Wang, Xioleou (王晓亮) (A/B) on
the ship Bbg Lijiang.

2.   Please pray for the salvation of Akaki karanadze (3/O) on the ship Lady Sacha.

3.   Please pray for the salvation of Wong, Zhuanglong (汪中龙) (C/O); Yeng, Chrangqi (闫传奇) (3/O);
Dong, Yuxia (董育侠) (Bosun); and Wang, Layi (王乐毅) (A/B) on the ship Victorian Trader.
4.   Please pray for the salvation of Ali Imraan (2/O) on the ship Crystal Trinity.

5.   Please pray for the Christia

n family of Bengie Apaling (O/S) on the ship Caravel.

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen. (Rev. 22:21)

1627 Gingerleaf Ln.
Houston, Tx. 77055

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