Dear Seafarers’ Friends: 01/26/25 – 02/01/25
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. (Rom. 1:7)
L. and B. - Left Scriptures, Gospel materials, Jesus DVDs on the vessel. Blessed the sailors.
L. and tP. - Left Scriptures, Gospel materials, and Jesus DVDs on board. Prayed and blessed the crew.
9 ships on Saturday (02/01):
CHP PARANDOWSKI G’P 4 Filipino, Polish, and Ukrainian 24 crew, most of the crew have s. p. L. and B. (See pic. 1) 4 2
NLC RMS FRATERNITY IND W All Indian 22 crew, all of the crew have s. p.
L. and B. (See pic. 2) 2 2
SBM SEABOARD GALAXY J/P 1 Filipino, Indian, and Ukrainian 23 crew, all of the crew have s. p.
L. and B. (See pic. 3) 2 2
MGU SEAGALAXY HFO 1 Indian, and Ukrainian 28 crew, all have s. p.
L. and P. 3 2
MAX STORHOLMEN HFO 2 Filipino, and Russian 21 crew, all have s. p. L. and P. 3 3
PBA SPAR HYDRA CMX All Indian 22 crew, all have s. p.
L. and B. (See pic. 4) 3 1
ISS STOLT ACHIEVEMENT STO 2 Dutch, Filipino, Latvian, and Vietnamese 27 crew, all have s. p.
L. and P. 2 1
GAC STRYMON ENT 8 Filipino, Greek, and Ukrainian 24 crew, all have s. p. L. and B. 2 1
BIE ZITA SCHULTE ENT 9 Croatian, Filipino, Ghanaian, Latvian, Myanmar, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, and Venezuelan 20 crew, all have s. p. L. and P. 3 2
Payton Huang from West Houston Christian Church came and helped the ministry.
1. Please pray for the family of Johnn Oliver (O/S) on the ship Paradowski.
2. Please pray for the salvation of Chris Lozaves (O/S) on the ship Rms Fraternity.
3. Please pray for the family of Jonel C. Tadia (A/B) on the ship Seaboard Galaxy.
4. Please pray for the salvation of Viray Pravin Tanoel (A/B) on the ship Seagalaxy.
5. Please pray for the family of Eric Gallenito (O/S) on the ship Storholmen.
6. Please pray for the salvation of Tandel Aniket (O/S) on the ship Spar Hydra.
7. Please pray for the Christian family of Jay Reyes (Oiler) on the ship Stolt Achievement.
8. Please pray for the family of Alexandros Poulikidis (3/O) on the ship Strymon.
9. Please pray for the family of Benjamin Nii Okai Adjetett (A/B) on the ship Zita Schulte.
The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. (Rom. 16:20)
1627 Gingerleaf Ln.
Houston, Tx. 77055
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