Sunday, September 23, 2007

9/16/07 - 9/22/07

Dear seafarer's friends,

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (1Co. 1:3)
9/14: 3 ships
ESHIPS DUGON, and CLIPPER KIRA - Russian, and Filipino. The men were open to
the Fospel. It's a miracle that God is never left without a witness. You'll always observe
the Spirit working in mighty ways..
SILVERFUORD - Burmese. The chief cook was a Christian and married to a Christian
girl. Before leaving, the second officer approached and wanted to be saved.
9/15: 4 ships
SENTINEL 2, SAN NICHOLAS, and THEO T - Russian, Maldive, Pakistan, Greek, and
mainly Filipino. Pray for the Muslims. A Pakistan second officer had a very close
mind. He got very upset whenever the name Jesus was mentioned.
STENA CONTEST - It was a very interesting and long visit. There were 4 Christians
and 4 salvations including the captain. He came down stairs to find out what was
happening and ended up receiving Jesus as his only Lord and Savior.
ships visited this week
6 ships on Monday:
ATLAS HIGHWAY, and AFRICAN EVERGREEN - Japanese, Polish, and manily
Filipino. Receptive.
HUI SHUN HAI - Chinese. Many came to receive their Scriptures. The captain was
very polite and hospitable. He accompanied us most of the time, and told others to
accept the Scriptures too. Upon our asking, he humbly bowed down his head and
prayed the salvation prayer with us. 6 salvations.
MARY ANN HUDSON, and OCEAN EVER - American, Korean, and Filipino.
ministered to a young Korean officer and he received Christ. He took some other
Scriptures on board to share. The American vessel was unreceptive. Intercede that our
country will repent of our national sins. If we don't, judgement is inevitable.
YACU PUMA - Peru. Many friends on board producing spiritual fruit. This is what
makes this ministry so rewarding.
3 ships on Tuesday:
STOLT SUN, and AQUAMARINE - Russian, and Filipino. Good visits.
OLMECA - Indian. 1 Christian and 1 salvation. They are very humble people enjoyable
being around. This is God's time for India.
6 ships on Wednesday:
KATRINE STAR, and CARIBBEAN FRONTIER - All Chinese. Very receptive. 2
Christians on board. One was baptized in Japan. The other was baptized by us 3
years ago. Pray for him, his wife is going to have the third child..10 people received
SAIMAGRACHT, and AKTAIA - Greek, Dutch, Russian, and mainly Filipino. Good
LADY GLORY - Italain, Romania, Russian, and Myanmar. Good response.
MONTIGNY - Indian. 5 Christians, 1 salvation. Pray for 1 young Christian, he was kind
of depressed.
2 ships on Thursday:
CHEMTRANS CHRISTIAN - Indian. 4 Christians. We were on this ship last July 27. 2
Hindu salvations.
FORMOSA EIGHT - Chinese. We were on this ship last June 1. A little bit fellowhip
and 1 salvation.
4 ships on Friday:
UAL GABON, and UAL ANTWERP - Filipino, Romanian, Russian, and Ukrainian.
Responsive. Praying with sailors from different countries together was so exciting.
ALINDA - Ukrainian. Not so responsive, almost every one was busy.
NAN HAI - Chinese. 4 accepted Jesus into their hearts including the captain. The
general steward was very nice and hospitable regardless the commissar's watching.
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you. My love to all of you in Christ Jesus. Amen. (1 Co. 16:23,24)

Your brothers In Christ

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