Friday, January 25, 2008

01/20/08 - 01/26/08

Dear seafarer's friends, 01/20/07 - 01/26/07

Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father's son, will be with us in truth and love. (2 Jn. 3)
ships visited this week
5 ships on Monday:
RICKMERS SHANGHAI, and UBC SINGAPORE - Filipino, Croatian, and Ukrainian;. .
Filipino, and Polish. Receptive.
DS VANGUARD - Indian. There were 5 Christians on this vessel. 4 Hindu joined our
prayer to ask Jesus into their hearts. The happiest thing for a seaman is finishing the
contract and going home. We Christians are the same when we know we are going
one way heavenly bound home.
JABGER - Russian. Good response.
KANG SHENG - Chinese. They don't like the Americans because American don't let
them to go ashore. Fortunately we were able to pray with 3 of them and led them to
Christ individually.
4 ships on Tuesday:
SICHEM PROVENCE - Romanian. 6 Christians on board. They liked the passion of
the Christ DVDs.
BOW LIMA - Burmese, and Indian. 3 Burmese Christians and 1 Indian Christian.
Blessed them and their families.
CAPE PASSERO - Russian. The Russian orthodox really liked the Bible and the
materials we gave him.
YONG XING - Chinese. Many received the Bible from the last visit. Prayed with 4.
Took the 2nd officer on KANG SHENG to WalMart and brought him back to the ship.
His mother is a faithful Christian. KANG SHENG is going to New Orleans to load grain
next week.
2 ships on Wednesday:
BOW EUROPE - Filipino, and Korean. They were happily received the Jesus DVD's.
CHONG MING - Chinese. Same shipping company as YONG XING. Some familiar
faces from previous visit of another ship. 3 people prayed the salvation prayer separatly
and seriously. They voluntarily wanted to watch the Jesus DVD themselves after
dinner. CHONG MING is sailing to Mexico tonight, then New Orleans around the 1st of
February. Mechanic Chang has Philip's phone number. The whole box of Gospel
materials was gone also the box.
5 ships on Thursday:
SHONOUSSA, BBC TRINADAD, and UBC BOSTON - Greek, and Filipino; Ukrainian,
and Filipino; All Filipino. Prayed with them and blessed their families.
BBC OSTERIESLAND - Russian. They don't care much about the reading materials
but they love the Jesus DVDs and the passion of thet Christ DVDs.
YONG AN 3 - Chinese. We were on this ship over a year ago. This is a new crew.
Many came to Houston several times before. They still remembered the good old days
when they could go ashore and took by big van to go church and stayed there for 3
hours. Some crews' family memebers are christians. 3 individuals came to pray the
salvation prayer and be blessed. The whole box of Christian materials including the
Scriptures prepared were finished. The holy Spirit made the right touch.
Peace to you. The friends here send their greetings. (3 Jn. 15)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

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