Saturday, May 31, 2008

05/25/08 - 05/31/08

Dear seafarer's friends, 05/25/08 - 05/31/08

Grace and peace be yours in abundance. (1 Pet. 1:2)
ships visited this week
4 ships on Tuesday:
VALLE DI CORDOBA, and STENA CONCORD - Italian, and Indian; Russian, and Indian. About 7
Indian Christians on the 1st ship, and 2 Indian Christians on board the 2nd ship. Prayed with one of the
two Christians, He has 2 sons, the younger one has a brain disease.
UBC STAVANGER - Polish captain and Filipino crew. Prayed and blessed them for their families and
their vessel.
HUI SHENG - Chinese. Finished giving all the Scriptures, materials, and Jesus DVDs. About 20 people
stood up and prayed the salvation prayer and said Grace before their meal. Prayed with the captain
and the chief engineer individually for their salvation.
8 ships on Wednesday:
MAXIMA, and BALTICON HAMBURG - All Russian; German, and Russian. Responsive.
HIGH LIGHT, SWIFT CRO, and ALAM BISTARI - All Filipino; Ukrainian, and Filipino; 5 Chinese,
Myanmar, Malaysian, and Filipino. Prayed and chatted with the Chinese. The Scripture and materials I
brought was not much, but they all enjoyed it. They knew the Chinese Christian magazine which I gave
them plenty. The Filipino were very friendly.
BLUE MASTER, and GOLDEN CHARLOTTE - All Myanmar; Myanmar, Korean, and 2 Chinese. No
Christian on the 1st ship. 1 Korean Christian, 2 Myanmar Christians on the 2nd ship. I let the Myanmar
to use my cell phone to call home and led them to pray for their country. Their family members are all
safe. Prayed with one of the Chinese cadets. He was kind of lonely.
SAGA CREST - All Indian. 4 Christians on board. Talked to the Christian bosun, prayed with him and
another Hindu and another Muslim to open their hearts and to give opportunity to Jesus. When they
received the Scripture of their own language, they said "I know it". It's happy to see them happy.
8 ships on Thursday:
Indian, and Filipino; Russian, and Filipino. Prayed with them as usual and blessed their ships and
their homes.
. SICHEM NEW YORK, and ASTA - All Russian; All Russian. Receptive.
ROSBORG - Polish, Romanian, and Bulgarian. Gave them the Jesus DVDs and Gospel booklets.
YONGXING - All Chinese. This ship was here last January. Half of the crew was new, the rest all knew
me. Prayed with three who were interested in the Gospel. The captain is an old friend. Shared God's
Words with him for an hour, some follow up.
7 ship on Saturday:
. 2 Bulgarian, and Filipino; Polish, and Filipino. We gave out Scriptures, Jesus DVDs, and Gospel
materials. Prayed with them at the gangway.
SMOLYAN - Bulgarian. They can read Russian, so we gave them Russian Scriptures, Jesus DVDs,
and Gospel booklets.
CLIPPER TEXAN, and SAGA VIKING - 3 Myanmar, and Indian; All Indian. 2 Indian Christians on the
1st ship. 3 Christians on the 2nd ship. Just as I walked in the crew's recreation room, I saw a seaman
was watching the pornography DVD by himself. I asked him "What are you watching?" He said "xxx."
I said " What is your mother language?" He goes " Hindi." I gave him a Hindi NT, and he liked it. I
asked him "Can you turn the video off?" He said "No, that's my life." I said "Can you gave it to me, and
I will give you something else." Then I gave him "The Passion of the Christ" and the "Jesus" DVDs. He
said "That's good." And gave me the porno DVD. I asked him to sit down and pray the salvation prayer
with me. He followed me finishing the prayer and invited Jesus into his heart. I told him "This is your
life, a new life, Jesus gave it to you." He was watching "The Passion of the Christ" when we left.
Weibin Lu from WHCC came and helped visitation with me. We took his car, and he drove it today.
Peace to all of you who are in Christ. (1 Pet. 5:14)
Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas

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