Saturday, October 27, 2007

10/21/07 - 10/27/07

Dear seafarer's friends, 10/21/07 - 10/27/07

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (Php. 1:2)
ships visited this week
8 ships on Monday:
FORTUNE, and BRAUNSCHWEIG - Polish, British, Ukrainian, and mainly Filipino.
Most of them liked the English Christian music and hymns which we have planty in
cassette and DVD.
ATLANTIC RUNNER - Ukrainian, and Russian. They liked the Scriptures we gave them
in their own language.
DE SHAN - Chinese. Good visit. 11 people prayed the salvation prayer in group and by
individuals including the captain.
GOLDEN FLORENCE - Korean, and Burmese. 2 Christians 1 Korean and 1 Burmese.
2 salvations, 1 Burmese and the Korean captain. The Holy Spirit was really working on
this vessel.
7 ships on Wednesday:
BUM CHIN - Indian.Very receptive. 8 Christians and 4 salvations. A few of them were
kind of rejective.
ANETTE THERESA, and CHIPPER KRYSTAL - All Filipino. Responsive. Praise the
Lord for their humble spirit.
FORMOSA FOURTEEN - All Chinese. This ship came to Houston last July, but we
missed it. Almost all the gospel materials were gone this time. Took 3 to shopping,
captain, chief engineer, and the 2nd officer. 5 salvations.
RISANGER, THETIS, and AFRICAN AZALEA - Mainly Filipino. Good visit as usual.
Prayed for them and their families.
6 ships on Thursday:
BBC ATLANTIC, ROMNY, and VOIDOMATIS - Russian, and Ukrainian. Met some
orthodox Christians.
MONTEGO - Greek, and mainly Filipino. They received the gospel materials and the
STENA CONQUEROR - Romanian, Receptive. They all like the passion of the Christ
DATRINE STAR - Chinese. We were on this ship just last September 19, only 5
weeks ago. 5 new crew members including the captain. They got on the ship after mid
night last night. 5 salvations including the captain. Some follow up with the old crew,
encouraged them to read the Bible and pray.
11 ships on Friday:
Ukrainian, and Filipino. Regular visit.
AEALAND STAR - Mainly Filipino, Russian, Korean, German, Ukrainian, and
Madivian. Responsive in general, a few were indifferent..
AMAZON - All Indian. 3 Christians, 1 salvation.
CRYSTAL OCEAN - Chinese. We were on this ship last Feburary 12. 12 salvations.
Had a long talk with the captain, he didn't want the formality, so we did't pray, but he
he admits Jesus is in his heart. Right before leaving, 1 seaman asked to pray, then 10
of them got together and we prayed the salvation prayer. What a wonderfu work of the
Holy Spirit. This ship was in Vancouver last May.
ETERNAL CONFIDENCE - Chinese. We were on this ship last March 14. About 12
of them are new crew. They all have short pass. Most of them were busy to go to the
seamens' club to make phone calls after dinner. 9 people were able to pray the
salvation prayer individually. And all the gospel materials were finished.
Steve Yeboah is going to visit this vessel again tonight.
Pastor Malone was still resting at his son Mark's house this week. He started to visit some
ships now.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen. (Php. 4:23)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

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