Thursday, October 4, 2007

2006 visits

Dear seafarer's friends, 1/01/06 - 1/07/06

Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. (2Pe.1:2)
We visited 6 ships on Monday:
TAIN SHAN HAI - 30 Chinese crew, 4 cadets, docked at City Dock #20. They
stopped eating lunch and prayed with us. Praised the Lord.
MOORGATE - Turkish, Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Yugoslavian, and Indian crew, total 25, docked at City Dock #18.
POLLUX - 13 Russian, 4 German, 1 Scottish, 1 English crew, docked at Barbours
Cut #5.
SEA-LAND VALUE - 8 Phillipine, 4 Indian, 5 Myanmar, 2 Singapore, 6 Thailand
crew, Docked at Barbours Cut #3.
OOCL FORTURE - 20 Chinese, 5 Phillipine, 2 Malaysian, 2 Hong Kong, docked at
Barbours Cut #4.
M.V. CAP COLORADO - 32 Indian crew, docked at Barbours Cut #6. There were
7 Christians on board.
5 ships on Friday:
M/T CIELO DI LONDRA - 18 Indian, 3 Italian, and 3 Russian crew, docked at City
Dock #16.
BOW PANTHER - 24 Phillipine crew, docked at City Dock #20. We were not on
BUM JU - 8 Chinese, and 12 Korean crew, docked at Old Manchester W.
STOLT SAPPHIRE - 20 Phillipine, and 5 Russian crew, docked at Old Manchester
E. We were not on board.
MIAMI - 7 Egyptian, 7 Maldivian, 2 Russian, 2 Chinese, and 1 Bulgarian crew,
docked at City Dock #32. Pastor Malone visited this ship already, but he wanted
me to see the two Chinese cadets, so I went alone and prayed with them.
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. (2Pe. 3:18)
Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 1/08/06 - 1/14/06

Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. (Jude:2)
We visited 6 ships on Monday:
STEEL GLORY - 21 Ukrainian crew, docked at Wood House #4.
SCM TEPUY II - 15 Yugoslavian crew, docked at Wood House #3.
ENY- 9 Korean including 4 Christians, and 12 Phillipine crew, docked at City Dock #29.
SPAR EIGHT - 2 Russian, and 24 Indian crew, docked at City Dock #24. There
were nine Christians on board. We went on board.
INDOTRANS JAVA - 24 Phillipine, 5 Russian, 4 Chinese, and 2 New Zealander
crew, Docked at City Dock #25. I visited 2 Chinese crew while Pastor Malone
revisited SPAR EIGHT after both of us went to YICK HUA.
YICK HUA - 26 Chinese crew, docked at New Manchester. More than half the crew
claimed Jesus Christ in their hearts. We were invited by the captain to eat on the
3 ships on Wednesday:
CHEMBULK SHANHAI - 19 Myanmar, 1 British, 1 German, and 1 Croation crew,
docked at Shell Terminal.
GMANG XING ZHOU - 29 Chinese crew, 2 cadets, docked at Oil Tanking #1. At
least 12 people prayed the salvation prayer with us. I sold a lot of phone cards.
PANAM ATLANTICO - 11 Myanmar, and 9 Croation crew, docked at Oil Tanking
4 ships on Friday:
BELLE AYURA - 20 Chinese crew, docked at Enbesa. Caught right before it sailed. YONGANCHENG - 27 Chinese crew, docked at Texas Terminal. The ship was very
open including the commissar.
NEDAS - 20 Phillipine, 4 Greek, and 1 Russian crew, docked at Oil Tanking #7.
M/T NICOS TOMASOS - 10 Polish, 5 Greek, and 8 Indonesian crew, docked at Oil
Tanking #6.
To the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen. (Jude:25)
Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 1/15/06 - 1/21/06

Grace and peace to you. (Rev. 1:4)
We visited 3 ships on Monday:
SIBOTURA - 25 Indian crew, docked at Oil Tanking #6. There were 5 Christians on
TONGHAI - 24 Chinese crew, docked at Bulk Plant. Many came to Christ. We
made commissar our friend.
PANAM FLOTA - 22 Indian crew, docked at Kinder Morgan #2. There were 8
Christians on board.
3 ships on Thursday:
WU CHANG HAI - 23 Chinese crew, docked at Cargil #3. The ship was very open.
Captain invited us to have dinner on board.
CHIOS SUN - 23 Philippine, 3 Greek, and 1 Romanian crew, docked at Inbesa.
NORGAS PETALUMA - 10 Chinese, 3 Russian, 1 Phillipine, and 1 Spanish
Captain crew, docked at Petro Tec.
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen. (Rev. 22:21)
Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 1/22/06 - 1/28/06

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. (Ro. 1:7)
We visited 4 ships on Monday:
GENCO EXPLORER - 23 Chinese crew, docked at Cargill #1.
DA ZHONG - 23 Chinese crew, docked at Texas Terminal. I went by myself.
JAG REENA - 24 Indian crew, docked at North Texas Cement. There were 2
Christians on board. Pastor Malone went alone.
HANHAI - 25 Chinese crew, docked at Greens Port E.
We broke the records by visiting 3 Chinese ships in one day.
1 ship on Wednesday:
GLOBAL ESCHORD - 12 Korean, and 9 Myanmar crew, docked at City Dock #27.
There was one Christian on board. Pastor Malone went alone and prayed with
1 ship on Thursday:
KANG YUAN - 23 Chinese crew, docked at Cmex. Pastor Malone was sick, I went
by myself. I was on board for 3 hours and prayed with most of the crew.
To the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen. (Ro. 16:27)
Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 1/29/06 - 2/04/06

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (Co. 1:3)
We visited 1 ship on Sunday:
CARIBBEAN FRONTIER - 22 Chinese crew, docked at Cargill #1. Eddie
Wang and I went to pick up 9 seamen to WHCC in the morning, Matthew Cheng
and I took them to China Town and sent them back to the ship in the afternoon.
They liked our church.
3 ship on Thursday:
STENA CONCEPT - 15 Indian, 4 Russian, 2 Phillipine, 2 Bulgarian, and 1 Croatian crew, docked at Magellan. There were 2 Indian Christians on board
JOVIALITY - 23 Chinese crew, docked at Cmax. Half of crew prayed with us.
BERGE DENISE - 16 Indian, and 9 French crew, docked at Oil Tanking #1.
9 ships on Friday:
OCEAN BELLE - 24 Chinese crew, docked at City Dock #20. We visited this ship
last August 5, they changed 3 crew members, we met the rest of them.
TOPAZ - 12 Philippine, and 10 Greek crew, docked at City Dock #23.
JO ASK - 23 Philippine crew, docked at City Dock #24.
FAIRMAST - 15 Russian crew, docked at City Cock #32.
WASHINGTON - 15 Philippine, and 5 Korean crew, docked at City Dock #9.
MALOJA - 20 Philippine crew, docked at City Dock #47.
CLIPPER FAITH - 23 Indian, and 1 Ukrainian crew, docked at New Terminal.
TAI HEALTH - 21 Chinese crew, docked at Wood House #1. Captain is from
Taiwan. The ship belongs to Taiwan but the crew are from mainland China.
We prayed with most of the crew and the Captain.
VIBORG - 29 Myanmar, and 3 Polish crew, docked at Wood House #2.
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you. My love to all of you in Christ Jesus. Amen. (Co. 16:23,24)
Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 2/05/06 - 2/11/06

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (2Co. 1:2)
We visited 1 ship on Sunday:
ALAM SENTOSA - 22 Chinese crew, docked at Inbesa. Eddie
Wang and I went to pick up 6 seamen to WHCC in the morning, Matthew Cheng
and I took them to China Town and sent them back to the ship in the afternoon.
They all got saved in our Sunday School class.
4 ships on Monday:
IKAN SEPAT - 19 Chinese, and 7 Philippine crew, docked at Wood House #4.
They all have short pass, Steve Yeboah took a lot of them to church that night.
MILLENNIUM FALCON - 17 Philippine, and 2 Korean crew, docked at City Dock
#32 .
INDOTRANS FLORES - 15 Philippine, 5 Ukrainian, 2 British, and 1 Chinese crew,
docked at City Dock #23
GOLDEN TRADER - 26 Chinese crew, docked at City Dock #20. We prayed with
half of the crew including the Captain, the chief Engineer, and the chief Officer.
4 ships on Friday:
LEDPOLD STAFF - 23 Polish crew, docked at City Dock #17.
SELENDANG INTAN - 14 Philippine, and 6 Chinese crew, docked at City Dock
#8. Steve came and visited this ship already, but they didn't have the scriptural
materials, praise the Lord , we can work together.
TAI SHAN HAI - 34 Chinese crew, docked at Greens Port, W. There were 5 cadets
on board.They took everything we brought.
ALMA - 18 Russian crew, docked at Greens Port, E.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. (2Co. 13:14)
Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 2/12/06 - 2/18/06

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (Gal. 1:3)
We visited 1 ship on Sunday:
SELENDANG INTAN - 14 Philippine, 6 Chinese, and 6 Indian crew, docked at
City Dock #8. I went to pick up 3 Chinese seamen to WHCC in the morning,
and and sent them back to the ship in the afternoon. One was clearly saved in the
morning worship service. Praise the Lord.
3 ships on Monday:
FORMOSA 10 - 22 Chinese crew, docked at Georgian Gulf. They don't have short
pass. We were on this boat last June, 6.
OCEAN 1 - 28 Indian crew, docked at Old Manchester. There were 5 Christians on
KANG CHENG - 22 Chinese crew, docked at Inbesa. We prayed with some of the
4 ships on Thursday:
CHEMICAL SUPPLIER - 23 Indian crew, docked at Odfjell. There were 3 Christians
on board. Pastor Malone fell on the deck. Thank God, there was no harm done
BOTANY TREASURE - 19 Chinese crew, docked at Barbours Cut, Lash. We were
on this ship last September, 28. 4 new crew, we prayed with them.
MAERSK PATRAS - 20 Philippine crew, docked at Barbours Cut #4.
MERKUR - 18 Russian crew, docked at Barbours Cut #5.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers. Amen. (Gal. 6:18) Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 2/19/06 - 2/25/06

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (Eph. 1:2)
2 ships on Thursday:
D.S. POINEER - 18 Indonesian, 4 Greek, 2 Russian, and 1 Romanian crew,
docked at Agrifos.
YICK LEE - 28 Chinese crew, docked at Bulk Plant. We prayed with half of the
crew. There were 2 Captains on board, one is a cadet.
5 ships on Friday:
CHEMBULK BARCERLONA - 22 Philippine crew, docked at Shell #1.
JO SYPRESS - 14 Philippine, and 9 Dutch crew, docked at Shell #3.
GENMAR ALEXANDRA - 14 Philippine, 5 Indian, 4 Portuguese, and 1
Romanian crew, docked at Shell Crude Dock.
GOLDEN FRIENDSHIP - 13 Myanmar, and 7 Korean crew, docked at Shell #4.
GREAT CREATION - 23 Chinese, and 2 Sri Lanka crew, docked at Inbesa. There
were 1 Chinese Christian on board. Captain was from Sri Lanka, we pray with him
and some others.
Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love. (Eph. 6:24)
Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 2/26/06 - 3/05/06

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (Php. 1:2)
We visited 1 ship on Sunday:
SEA CONFIDENCE - 21 Chinese, and 3 Myanmar crew, docked at North Text
Cement. I went to pick up 4 Chinese seamen to WHCC in the morning,
and and sent them back to the ship in the afternoon. There were 5 ready to come
but my car only take 4, unfortunately I had to leave one out.
7 ships on Monday:
CAROLA - 8 Russian, 2 Ukrainian, and 1 Lithuanian crew, docked at City Dock
HANJIN PENANA - 9 Korean, and 9 Philippine crew, docked at City Dock #26.
GLYKOFILOUSSA - 19 Philippine, and 2 Greek crew, docked at City Dock #23.
6 of them came ashore and we prayed together.
NANFO - 22 Ukrainian crew, docked at City Dock #20.
FURIA R - 23 Ukrainian crew, docked at City Dock #17.
IMQ NQ - 20 Philippine crew, docked at Greens Port East.
SEA MILE - 26 Chinese crew, docked at Greens Port West. We prayed with at
least half of the crew.
6 ships on Thursday:
TROPICAL QUEEN - 20 Philippine crew, docked at Kinder Morgan.
PAMPERO - 11 Russian, and 2 Jamaican crew, docked at Barbours Cut.
JADE BREEZE - 24 Philippine crew, docked at Barbours Cut Lash.
VANESSA C - 12 British crew, docked at Barbours Cut..
TMM OAXACA - 8 Philippine, 4 Romanian, 2 German, and 1 Russian crew, docked
at Barbours Cut. We prayed with the Philippine Christians at the gangway joyfully.
FORMOSA #11 - 22 Chinese crew, docked at Georgia Gulf. I prayed with 12 of the
crew, Pastor stayed longer than I on the ship.
Frank Yu and Pastor Malone visited the ships on Friday.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen. (Php. 4:23)
Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 3/06/06 - 3/12/06

Grace and peace to you from God our Father. (Col. 1:2)
Pastor Malone went to visit TAI AN CHENG on Sunday.
We visited 7 ships on Monday:
KANG QIANG - 24 Chinese crew, docked at Greens Port East.
TEXAS GAL - 12 Philippine, 6 Russian, 4 Maldivian, and 1 Polish crew, docked
at Woodhouse.
PUMA - 20 Ukrainian crew, docked at Woodhouse.
JOSCO TAIZHOU - 24 Chinese crew, docked at Cemex. Steve came to meet us.
MT. CHEMBULK FORTITUDE - 23 Myanmar, and 1 Croatian crew, docked at Oil
Tanking #5. There were 4 Christians on board.
SAAMIS ADVENTURER - 20 Philippine, and 2 Croatian crew, docked at Oil
Tanking #4.
ROY MAERSK - 14 Philippine, and 6 Danish crew, docked at Oil Tanking #1.
Pastor Malone visited MT. CHEMBULK FORTITUDE again on Tuesday.
2 ships on Wednesday:
YONG AN 3 - 24 Chinese crew, docked at Greens Port West. We were on this
ship last July 7, no crew had changed, but we prayed with some seamen we left off
last time. This was like a follow up visit.
BELLE AYURA - 20 Chinese crew, docked at Agrifos. Everyone was busy on the
ship, we just had a little talk with the Captain, but we still gave out almost all the
scriptural materials. .
Grace be with you. (Col. 4:18)
Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 3/13/06 - 3/19/06

Grace and peace to you. (1Th. 1:1)
We visited 6 ships on Monday:
GOLD INCUS - 16 Philippine, and 2 Korean crew, docked at City Dock #32.
PATRIARCH - 18 Philippine crew, docked at City Dock #30.
RICKMER SEOUL - 18 Philippine, 5 Romanian, 3 Polish, and 2 German crew,
docked at City Dock #29.
SPRING LAKER - 18 Philippine, and 2 Japanese crew, docked at City Dick #26.
STAR IKEBANA - 20 Philippine crew, docked at City Dock #22.
BASIC RELIANCE - 24 Chinese, and 2 Korean crew, docked at City Dock #20.
We were on board and almost all the crew were prayed the salvation prayer.
4 ships on Thursday:
SPAR TAURUS - 21 Indian crew, docked at City Dock #26. There were 2
Christians on board. One cadet whose name is Jossi received Jesus.
SAFMARINE LEMAN - 12 Sri Lanka, and 2 Romanian crew, docked at City Dock
#29. Pastor Malone went on board. .
NAVISION LOGGER - 24 Chinese crew, docked at Woodhouse #4. Many prayed.
CHEMBULK SAVANNAN - Myanmar crew, docked at Kinder Morgan. We didn't go
on board because the gangway was too steep, wet, and slippery. Pastor went at
another dock on Friday.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. (1Th. 5:28)
Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 3/19/06 - 3/25/06

Grace and peace to you from god the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (2Th. 1:2)
We visited 2 ships on Monday:
TOPFLIGHT - 16 Myanmar, and 2 Korean crew, docked at Bulk Plant. There were
5 Myanmar Christians and 2 Korean Catholics on board.
STOVE CAMPBELL - 18 Chinese and 1 Myanmar crew, docked at Greens Port W.
4 ships on Wedbesday:
IKAN SELANGAT - 20 Chinese, 5 Philippine, 1 Ukrainian, and 1 Singapore Indian
crew, docked at Cargill.
FORTUNE PEARL - 23 Philippine, and 1 Indian crew, docked at Transglobal.
LAURETTA - 20 Chinese crew, docked at Woodhouse.
PODRAVINA - 18 Russian, and 2 Raphael, docked at Kinder Morgan.
2 ships on Thursday: We went to get the blank VCD, VHS, and audio tapes first.
LOVELY LADY - 22 Philippine, 1 Romanian, and 1 Greek crew, docked at Shell.
HUI SHEN - 26 Chinese crew, docked at Agrifos. We visited this ship last August
8. Half of the crew changed. We met some old faces. We did some follow up and
some evangelical work. They took all the scriptual materials.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. (2Th. 3:18)
Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 3/26/06 - 4/01/06

Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. (1Ti. 1:2)
We visited 3 ships on Monday:
CLLIPPERLIS - 21 Indian, and 4 Romanian crew, docked at Greens Port W. There
were 5 Christians on board.
PARAT - 17 Philippine, and 2 Polish crew, docked at Greens Port E.
PACIFIC EMBOLDEN - 23 Chinese crew, docked at North Texas Cement. We
prayed with some of them, God knows their hearts, and we are the witnesses.
6 ships on Friday:
M/N YACU PUMA - 26 Peruvian crew, docked at New Terminal.
CLIPPER MERMAID - 19 Indian, 2 Romanian, and 1 Myanmar crew, docked at
Woodhouse #4..
MARITIME SETOSHIO - 21 Chinese crew, docked at Cemax. Steve took 3 seamen
to his church that night. Not all of them have short-pass.
ROSBORG - 17 Bulgarian, and 7 Ukrainian crew, docked at Care Terminal.
BBC SCOTLAND - 9 Russian, 1 German, 1 Canadian, and 1 Romanian crew,
docked at Care Terminal.
OCEAN TWINS - 15 Indian, 3 Russian, and 2 Philippine crew, docked at Inbesa.
Grace be with you. (1Ti. 6:21)
Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 4/02/06 - 4/08/06

Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. (2Ti. 1:2)
I visited 2 ships on Thursday: There were numerous times Pastor Malone went to visit
the ships by himself that I couldn't put them down here. This was just my first time
to go out to visit 2 ships from different countries.
DE SHAN - 27 Chinese crew, docked at City Dock #16. I prayed with 5 people and
talked with a cadet for an hour, they were not that open but they didn't against me
HABIBE ANA - 24 Turkish crew, docked at City Dock #17. They took everything
inside the box, that was all the scriptural materials Pastor Malone had
prepared. Thank you Jesus.
3 ships on Friday:
GOLDEN GION - 10 Korean, and 9 Chinese crew, docked at Woodhouse. We were
on this ship last August 5, all the ctews were changed. There were 5 Korean
Christians on board.
T.C. GLEISNER - 28 Indian crew, docked at Magellan. There were 7 Christians on
TU QIANG - 26 Chinese crew, docked at Greens Port E. We prayed with 13 people
with the salvation prayer on board. Praised God.
The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you. (2Ti. 4:22)
Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 4/09/06 - 4/15/06

Grace, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior. (Tit. 1:4)
We visited 2 ships on Monsday:
CHIPOLBROK SUN - 27 Chinese crew, docked at City Dock #17.
JIA QIANG - 24 Chinese crew, docked at City Dock #26.
We visited both Chinese ships in the afternoon. I forgot the Chinese VCD (Jesus
film), so I have to go back and get them while Pastor Malone stayed on the first
Chinese ship. Then I went to the second Chinese ship first, Pastor Malong joined
me later just before I left for the seminary class.
4 ships on Wednesday:
CIELO DI VAIANO - 22 Indian crew, docked at New Manchester. There were
12 Christians on this ship.
YONG AN 4 - 27 Chinese crew, docked at City Dock #32. There was 1 Christian on
board. Pastor Malone baptized him in December 2004. I was there too. We really
see the difference on his face. The Holy Spirit really made him changed a whole lot.
We just prayed that the Lord will continue to help him in the growing of his faith.
SOUTHERN FIGHTER - 21 Myanmar crew, docked at City Dock #23.
FLORAL LAKE - 18 Philippine, and 2 Korean crew, docked at City Dock #19.
Greet those who love us in the faith. Grace be with you all. (Tit. 3:15)
Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 4/16/06 - 4/22/06

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (Phm. 3)
We visited 3 ships on Monsday:
CHEMSTAR VENUS - 16 Philippine, and 6 Korean crew, docked at Magellan #1.
There were 16 Philippine Catholics and 2 Korean Christians on board. Pastor
Malone went to visit the ship.
MOSELLE - 33 Indian crew, docked at Magellan #2. There were 6 Christians on
board. I went to visit this ship.
XIAMEN SKY - 22 Chinese crew, docked at City Dock #32. Pastor Malone had the
initial visit last Friday, I came with Matthew Sunday picked up no one in the
morning because they were too busy. Huey and I came the same day in the
afternoon picked up one seaman to China Town, I prayed with him on the road.
2 ships on Friday:
ALDANA - 22 Indian crew, docked at Oil Tanking #7. There were 6 Christians on
this ship.
SEA LILY - 24 Chinese crew, docked at North Texas Cement. Chief officer is a
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you spirit. (Phm. 25)
Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 4/23/06 - 4/29/06

We visited 2 ships on Monsday:
STENA ITALICA - 24 Romanian and 1 Italian crew, docked at Kinder Morgan #1.
BEAUTIFUL QUEEN - 23 Chinese crew, docked at City Dock #32.
6 ships on Wednesday:
CLIPPER MERCURY - 18 Indian, 1 Russian, and 1 Romanian crew, docked at
Texas Terminal #1. There were 8 Christians on this ship.
SEA LION - 6 VietNamese, 4 Ukrainian, 1 Polish, and 1 Azerbaizan crew, docked
Texas Terminal #3.
FORMOSAGAS BRIGHT - 22 Chinese, and 4 Polish crew, docked at Oil Tanking
#4. The captain and the chief engineer were very open, friendly and prayed with us.
LEPTA MERMAID - 17 Philippine, and 4 Korean crew, docked at Oil Tanking #5.
ESHIPS PRELUDE - 24 Indian crew, docked at Oil Tanking #2.
TRANS IBERIA - 9 Philippine, 3 Romanian, 2 Polish, and 3 Norwegian crew,
docked Oil Tanking #3.
Pastor Malone is going to have a hernia remove surgery on Monday (May 1) 10:00 AM
in Bay Shore Hospital. Please pray for him.
Grace be with you all. (Heb. 13:25)

Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 4/30/06 - 5/06/06

Pastor Malone had the surgery on May 1. Everything went well, he is on the way to
recovery, please pray for his full recovery. It may takes a week or two.

Your brother in Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 5/07/06 - 5/13/06

Greetings. (Jas. 1:1)
Visited 3 ships on Monsday:
AMOY - 10 Indian, 7 Philippine, and 4 Bulgain crew, docked at Shell #1.
MEDAS - 17 Philippine, 5 Greek, and 1 Russian crew, docked at Shell #2.
ZEUGMAN - 16 Turkish crew, docked at West Way.
4 ships on Wednesday:
FATMA ANA - 26 Turkish crew, docked at Inbesa.
NORGAS ENERGY - 9 Philippine, 5 Russian, 4 Chinese, and 2 Spainish crew,
docked at Oil Tainking #4.
CHEM LEO - 23 Turkish crew, docked at Oil Tanking #3.
TAIPAN - 11 Philippine, 9 Indian, and 5 Bangalodesh crew, docked at Oil Tanking
3 ships on Thursday: Huey Tang and I visited the ships today. Thanks Huey!
JAG LALIT - 29 Indian crew, docked at Oil Tanking #5. There were 5 Christians on
NIPPON STAR - 12 Maldive, and 12 Russina and Ukrainian mixed crew, docked at
City Dock #9.
SOUTHEN SPIRIT - 21 Chinese crew, docked at City Dock #20. We visited this
ship last November. Half of the crew changed. Some of them moved by the Holy
Spirit, and wanted to go to heaven, thank God and we prayed the salvation prayer
with them.
My brothers, if one of you should wander from the truth and some should bring him back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins. (Jas. 5:20)

Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 5/14/06 - 5/20/06

Grace and peace be yours in abundance. (1 Pet. 1:2)
I visited 1 ship on Sunday: Pastor Malone is in the process of recovery.
ETERNAL CONFIDENCE - 21 Chinese crew, docked at City Dock #20. We were
on this ship last year February 3, and September 15. All new crew now.
4 ships on Monday:
IKAN TAMPICO - 19 Chinese, 4 Philippine, 1 Myanmar, and 1 from Guinea crew,
docked at Woodhouse #4.
ONEGO CHALLENGER - 12 Yugoslavic, and 6 Russian crew, docked at
Woodhouse #3.
IVS KWELA - 20 Philippine crew, docked at New Manchester.
JOSCO SUZHOU - 24 Chinese crew, docked at Inbesa.
3 ships on Tuesday:
HAI AN CHENG - 31 Chinese crew, docked at New Terminal. We were on this ship
last year April 22. Crew all changed. Captain was the same as September, 2004.
XU CHANG HAI - 24 Chinese crew, docked at Greens Port West.
AVIONA - 25 Russian and Ukrainian crew, docked at Greens Port East.
2 ships on Thursday:
BARBAROS KIRAN - 23 Turkish crew, docked at Agrifos. They took all the
scriptural materials.
SUN HARVEST - 26 Chinese crew, docked at Care Terminal #5. The captain was
very open and received Jesus Christ. I also prayed the salvation prayer with the
chief cook and 6 other crew.
Peace to all of you who are in Christ. (1 Pet. 5:14)

Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 5/21/06 - 5/27/06

Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. (2 Pet. 1:2)
I visited 1 ship on Sunday: Pastor Malone visited a Chinese ship in Cargil.
AXIOS - 23 Chinese, and 2 Philippine crew, docked at Bulk Plant.
1 ship on Monday: The guard turned me down to go into Dynergy at noon.
ZHEN HUA 11 - 32 Chinese crew, docked at Bay Port. A whole box of scriptural
material was not enough for them, I just have to gave each one of them a little bit.
There were three christians on board.
3 ships on Tuesday:
ELISABETH OLDENDOFF - 21 Chinese, and 2 Indian cadets crew, docked at
Cargil. There was one christian on board.
COMET - 11 Romanian crew, docked at City Dock #31. Pastor Malone wert to visit
by himself.
JOSCO NANJING - 24 Chinese crew, docked at Bulk Plant. There was one
christian on board. I went to this ship by myself.
Please pray for Li Bing Chen, a ninteen year old Chinese seaman got sever burn
from a burst boiler pipe, the surviving chance is 50%, 50%, now lying in bed in
the hospital in Galvanston.
2 ships on Thursday:
MILLENNIUM FALCON - 17 Philippine and 2 Korean crew, docked at City Dock
HUI SHUN HAI - 28 Chinese crew, docked at Greens Port West. The captain was
an old friend. We visited this ship on July 15, and Sep. 29 last year. Most crew
have changed since the last visit, only 5 remain. I had the opportunity to pray with
15 of them with the salvation prayer. Thank the Lord. Pastor Malone went to visit
the Chinese ship in Dynergy.
I'm going to Hong Kong with Nancy on May 28, to see my inlaws for a week and then
go to Taiwan to join Johnathan my son for a short term mission. Nancy and I will be back on June 21.
To him be glory both now and forever! (2 Pet. 3:18)

Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 6/18/06 - 6/24/06

Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father's son, will be with us in truth and love. (2 Jn. 3)
We visited 3 ships on Friday:
NECHES - 24 Indian crew, docked at Majellan. There were 4 Christains on board.
FORMOSAGAS APPOLO - 26 Chinese crew, docked at Oil Tanking #3. We visited this ship May 12, last year. The cheif Engineer is our old friend. He has been on
the ship for over 20 monthes since the begining of 2005. Most of this crew like to
receive Jesus Christ into their hearts.
DOUBLESS - 12 Philippine and 12 Russian crew, docked at Oil Tanking #4.
I came back from the Taiwan short term mission. That was a grass root evangelism work. We saw some vonverted to Christ. But the major thing was that the seed was planted in those village people as well as the elementary school and middle shcool
students' hearts. To God be the glory.
Peace to you. The friends here send their greetings. (3 Jn. 15)

Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 6/25/06 - 7/01/06

Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. (Jude. 2)
We visited 3 ships on Moniday:
PETROKREPOST - 24 Russian crew, docked at Shell.
STEEL GLORY - 24 Ukrainian crew, docked at Inbesa. We just paid an initial visit.
COS LUCKY - 23 Chinese crew, docked at Cemex. The chief offeicer is a
Christian. The Captain was very friendly and asked Jesus Christ to coming to his
heart. Pastor went to visit 5 ships without going on board while I took one seaman
of Cos Lucky to shop for food.
GOLDEN DOMINIQUE - 12 Korean & 12 Myanmar. We always pray for the crew &
ships. 3 Myanmar were saved.
BOW POWER - 28 Philippine. Very receptive & had prayer.
BBC FINLAND - 12 Russian. Prayed with deck watchman.
FRIJSENBARG - 24 Bulgarian. Pray for Bulgaria.
MEDI CEBU - 22 Philipine. After prayer they thanked me for coming. This always
encourages us.
On each ships we always give the seafarers Bibles, Tracts, Christian leterature, Audio
cassettes, VHS and VCD of the Jesus and Passion mmovies.
3 ships on Wednesday:
LACANDON - 22 Indian crew, docked at Bay Port, Odfjell, There were 4 Christians
on board.
OOCL FAITH - 20 Chinese, 4 Philippine, 2 Malaysian crew, docked at Barbour
GOLDEN ELIZABETH - 11 korean, 8 Myanmar, and 3 Chinese crew, docked at
Vopak, Deer Park. There were 3 Christians on board.
BOW FAGUS - 19 Philippine and 9 Norwegian crew, docked at Vopak, Deer Park.
Only initial visit.
12 ships on Thursday:
ASTA - 12 Lithuania crew, docked at New Terminal.
CAPTAIN P - 15 Philippine, 7 Bulgarian, and 2 Polish crew, at City Dock #31.
SCHIPPERSGRACHT - 9 Philippine, 6 Dutch and 2 African crew, at City Dock #28. MARGARETHA GREEN - 8 Philippine, 6 Russian, 5 Ukrainian, 2 German crew, at
City Dock #26.
PEREGRINE - 32 Latvian crew, at City Dock #20.
LEPOLA STAFF - 22 Polish crew, at City Dock #17.
BRIGHT FUTURE - 12 Korean and 10 Philippine crew, at City Dock #9.
MANUELA SAENZ - 28 Venezuelan crew, at Kinder Morgan, Gaena Park.
UBC SAVANNAH - 24 Philippine crew, at Wood House.
POOLGRACHT - 12 Philippine, 3 Dutch, 1 Russian crew, at Wood House.
CLIPPER VICKING - 19 Philippine and 2 Norwegian crew, at Targa.
GRACHEN BERKGEN - 10 Philippine and 6 German crew, at Magellan.
To him who is able to keep uou from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy - to the only god our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages now and forevermore! Amen.. (Jude. 24,25)

Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 7/02/06 - 7/08/06

Grace and peace to you.
The ships that Pastor Malone went to visit on 6/30, and 7/1 were:
6/30:VANNI D - 3 Italian, 18 Romanian - took many Scripture.
STOLT VIRTUE - 3 Polish, 21 Philippine - Prayed with born again Filipino and
anotinted him to be a faithful witness.
TEAM TIGER - 6 Greeks, 18 Philippine - Prayed with 3 Filipinos.
WINONA - 10 Romanian, very receptive, blessed the vessel.
SOFIA - 8 Russians. Busy, getting ready to sail, visited with 2.
MANVELA SALRY - 28 Venezvelians, revisited this vessel to encourage them and
give them audio and video cassettes.
7/01:Praise God that today I'm (Tom) celebrating my 38th year as a full time Port
Chaplain in Houston, began seamen's work in Port Harcourt, Nigeria in 1965, so
actually this is my 41st year. The first 3 years was part time.
TRADER - 20 Indian, 11 Philippine.
SARASOTA was next to the TRADER - 5 Greek, 20 Philippine, along the way I
met a Filipino who took Scriptures. Both ships very receptive.
LION - 3 Greek, 4 Romanian, 19 Philippine, Brief visist.
OCEAN JADE was next to LION, 14 Korean, 9 Philippine, both ships receptive.
ELISE OLDENDORFF, 10 nationalities. Had a good, open conversation with
Abdul, a muslim from Maldive.
We visited 5 ships on Moniday:
SANMAR MAJESTY - 22 Indian crew. There were 4 Christians on board.
JOI EIK - 23 Philippine crew.
HUI AN - 27 Chinese crew. Very receptive. Some engineers were left out in the
engineer room we didn't have time to reach them.
RICKMERS NEW ORLEAN - 17 Philippine, 5 Romanian, 3 Polish and 2 Chinese.
SONGA DEFIANCE - 19 Philippine crew.
Pastor went to visit 4 ships on 7/05 Wednesday:
PANAM FLOTA - 24 Indian, some Hindus were very receptive.
CHEMBULK NEW ORLEANS - 14 Myanmar, 6 Croatian. Prayed with 3
Christians, 1 Myanmar received Jesus.
HUE AN - Follow up, 3 Chinese relieved Jesus.
PACIFIC ALASKA - 18 Russian. Pray for Russia.
We visited 5 ships on Thursday:
MST CALAO - 19 Chilian, 6 Mexican crew. Very receptive.
NAL ROTTERDAM - 6 Philippine, 4 Polish crew.
GENCO SUCCESS - 23 Chinese,10 people received Jesus including the captain.
CINNAMON - 17 Ukrainian. Pray for Russia.
ELLIVITA - 10 Philippine and 10 Greek crew.
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen. (Rev.22: 21)

Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 7/09/06 - 7/15/06

We visited 4 ships on Moniday:
DANIAL - 13 Indian and 14 Philippine crew. There was 90% Christians on board.
ARM MINA F214 - about 280 Mexican navy on board. They took 150 Spanish
MOON SEA - 22 Chinese crew. Very receptive. Captain is a Christian. We prayed
with 20 people on board.
PACIFIC DOLPHIN - 26 Chinese on board. This is a revisit.
2 ships on Wednesday:
FUKANGSHAN - 33 Chinese. We went there Wednesday and Thursday, just to
make sure that all who needed got a Bible.
JILIHU - 27 Chinese. Receptive.
Pastor Malone went to visit some other ships in City Dock.
6 ships on Thursday:
IKAN VERACRUZ - 17 Chinese and 8 Philippine crew. Very receptive. 6 Chinese
prayed the salvation prayer. We were on this ship March 17, last year.
BBC ONTARIO - 16 Russian crew.
CEC LIGHT - 11 Russian.
REPUBLICAN - 25 Indian, 3 Christians.
CHRYSOULA - 10 Greek, 8 Philippine and 1 Romanian crew.
NEW SPIRIT - 21 Chinese. We were on this ship Sep. 7, 2004. Crews all
changed, we had a good response.
Everyday is a miracle. Praise the Lord.
Grace and peace of the Lord Jesus be with you all.

Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 7/16/06 - 7/22/06

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. (Ro. 1:7)
Pastor Malone visited 6 ships on 7/14: THERMOPYLAE SIERRA - 4 Yugoslavia, 18
Myanmar, 1 Myanmar Christian who shares his faith, 1 Myanmar salvation. Great
visit. AVEDON CALYPSO - 22 Chinese, Captain Christian prayed with him and
blessed the ship, 6 salvations. Very open
ZENOVIA - 24 Filipino.
HAPPY BIRD - 18 Filipino.
BELUGA ENDUVANCE - 6 Russian, 8 Filipino.
RICKMERS SEOUL - 3 Polish, 5 Romanian, 18 Filipinos. Good receptian, 4
We are sharing brief information. The Lord is doing a mighty work. We are his servants
to a lost world. Souls are being saved by the Spirit, and we assist the seafarers in other ways - phone cards, cell phone, shopping, mailing letters etc. Griends, people are going to hell, what are you doing about it?
We visited 7 ships on Moniday:
CHIPOLBROK MOON - 28 Chinese crew.
GOLDEN FRIENDSHIP - 13 Myanmar and 6 Korean. 6 Myanvar prayed the
salvation prayer. This Myanmar Kaung Zaw prayed with us and became our
friend. We were on this ship 10/10/05, but that was a Chinese and Korean crew.
We were also on the ship 6/7/2004. That was a Chinese cook, Myanman and
Korean crew.
FAIRCHEM PEGASUS - 22 Indian crew. 4 Christians total.
BBC PERU - 9 Phillippine, 2 Russian and 1 German on board.
HORIZON - 25 Indian crew, 4 Christians.
FULL WEALTH - 28 Chinese. Not very open. We were on this ship 3/21/05, the
crews all changed now.
GAS FRIEND - 15 Korean and 7 Chinese. 2 Korean and 1 Chinese Christians.
6 ships on Thursday:
KATRINE STAR - 21 Chinese crew. Very receptive. 3 Christians. 15 prayed the
salvation prayer except the chaptain..
ATLANTIC KING - 22 Filipino crew.
DELFA - 14 Filipino and 7 Russian.
STAR HANSA - 22 Filipino. We visited this ship on July 8, 2005.
ANNAPURNA - 22 Myanmar crew.
SPAARNEGRACHT - 9 Filipino and 8 Dutch.
Pastor Malone went to visit SICHEM RIO - 14 Russian, and FALIA GOM - 22
Filipino, by himself.
6 ships on Friday:
CLIPPER REGAL - 17 Indian, 2 Ukrainian, 6 Christians.
SEA CONFIDENCE - 17 Chinese, 4 Hong Kong and 4 Myanmar. We were on
this ship last February 24.
TANJA KOSAN - 13 Filipino.
SYNALTAIR - 5 Filipino, 2 Romanian and 13 Italian.
NORGAS SONOMAR - 10 Chinese, 3 Russian and 2 Filipino. We were on this
ship 1/23/2004. The whole crew and the captain were all very friendly.
SEAMERIT - 13 Filipino and 10 Bulgarian.
To the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen. (Ro. 16:27)

Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 7/23/06 - 7/29/06

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (1Co. 1:3)
Pastor Malone visited 7 ships on 7/22: LIBRAMONT, RACHEL B, PROCKONISSOS,
have a mixture of nationalities - Belgian, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Bulgarian,
Romanian, Filipino, Indian, Greek Ukrainian, Had good visits and prayed with
them. Most Filipinos and very receptive.
2 ships on 7/23
BIGEON POINT - 15 Filipinos, 3 Fussian and 3 Polish. Opportinuity to share so
much of God's Word, prayed with them.
FURIA R - 13 Myanmar and 9 Russian, good response from Russians.
We visited 7 ships on Thursday:
TIAN SHAN HAI - 28 Chinese crew. Very receptive. We were on this ship last 1/2.
ROSBORG - 20 Bulgarian crew. Gave out scriptural material.
BBC JAPAN - 15 Russian and Ukrainian. Gave out material and prayed. We were
on this ship 10/17/05.
SEA ISLAND - 12 Panamanian. Gave away New Testament and prayed.
NICOLAOS - 12 Myanmar, 6 Greek and 3 Ukrainian crew. Gave out material.
TA ZHONG - 23 Chinese. We were on this ship last 1/23 and 8/31/05, prayed with
SELENDANG SARI - 20 Indian and 3 Chinese. 7 Christians on board. We were on
this ship 7/1/04.
6 ships on Friday:
KERIM - 24 Turkish. Not very open, we gave out scriptural materials.
M.T. CLIPPER GULFITO - 11 Myanmar and 9 Croatian. Gave out materials and
SEA GLORY - 22 Chinese. They took almost everything. Prayed with them.
BOWANDINO - 23 Filipino, gave out materials and prayed with some.
FRONTIER STAR - 21 Filipino.
RICKMERS JAKARTA - 19 Filipino and 2 Croatian. We visited this ship 6/14/04.
Pastor Malone went to visit an Indian ship while I took 1 Chinese to Wal Mart.
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you. My love to all of you in Christ Jesus. Amen. (1Co. 16:23,24)

Your brother In Christ Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 7/30/06 - 8/05/06

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (2Co. 1:2)
Visited 2 ships on 7/29: ESHIP NANUAN - Filipino ship , MUTSUSHIO - 20 Filipino
and 2 Korean ship. Captain has Bible study with the crew, very receptive.
5 ships on Monday:
KANSAS - 24 Indian. 9 Christians.
COS FAIR - 26 Chinese. Very receptive.
TRANS CATALONIA - 13 Romanian and 4 Norwegian.
FLORES - 13 Filipino, 6 Russian and 1 Romanian.
HISTRIA CORAL - 26 Romanian. We didn't go on board but gave Francis some
Romanian Bible.
7 ships on Tuesday:
HISTRIA CORAI - 26 Romanian. Receptive. We came back again.
STENA CONCEPT - 23 Indian, 4 Christians. Cadet Ravindran Priyadarshan
received Jesus Christ.
FLORA - 19 Indian, 3 Russian, 3 Filipino and 1 Ukrainian.
DUBAI JEWEL - 12 Indian and 10 Filipino crew. Gave out material.
KANG HONG - 23 Chinese. Initial visit.
KONDOR EXPLORER - 17 Ukrainian and 5 Russian.
JING AN CHENG - 25 Chinese. Gave away the scriptural materials and prayed
with the captain and the crew in their mess room (dining room).
5 ships on Thursday:
IKAN SEPAT - 19 Chinese and 5 Filipino. 10 Chinese came to pray the salvation
prayer right before the pilot came and the ship was ready to sail. We were on this
ship last 2/6.
RICKMERS SHANGHAI - 23 Filipino ship.
MV. SAFFRON - 18 Indonesian and 2 korean. 3 Christians on board. Joses was
the new friend we made on board..
KANG YUAN - 23 Chinese, We were on this ship last 1/26. We had a good
follow up even the crew was half changed.
EQUINOX SEAS - 16 Filipino, 3 Greek and 3 Ukrainian. We met this born again
Christian his name is Melvin. We prayed together.
3 ships on Friday:
KANG HONG - 23 Chinese. very receptive, 15 came to pray the salvation prayer.
ELECTRA I - 14 Filipino, 4 Greek, 1 Russian and 1 Chilean.
ONEGO PRIDE - 15 Russian
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. (2Co. 13:14)

Your brothers In Christ Tom and Thomas

Dear seafarer's friends, 8/06/06 - 8/12/06

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (Gal. 1:3)
We had a very productive load meeting on 8/5. Goals were made to be more effective sharing the gospel with all nations.
4 ships on 8/5: PANAM PACIFICO - 9 Croatian, 11 Myanmar, 2 Christian Myanmar
and 2 more salvations. BOW HUNTER - Filipino, Korean, and Russian.
CISUE BLANCO - Shared Jesus and prayed with them.
NEVESKA LADY - A born again Filipino had moral problems and Jesus
delivered him.
2 ships on Monday:
CHEMICAL SUPPLIER - 23 Indian. 4 Christians. We were on this ship last 2/16.
CMB TALENT - 21 Chinese. Very receptive. captain, chief engineer and chief
officer all joined in prayer. They just got their short pass that evening, so we took
seven of them to super Wal Mart shopping and send them back to the ship and
had prayer before we separated.
3 ships on Tuesday: CASTLE ISLAND - 4 Indian, 18 Chinese, unusual combination,
some salvations including Indian chief engineer. We studied God's Word for an
hour. WARALEE NARVES - 6 Indian, 16 Thai, 2 Indian Christians, prayer with
them. FLOVAL LAKE - 24 Filipino, shared the Word with them.
2 ships on Wednesday:
SPAR LYNX - 20 Indian, 5 Christians. Berhardshow and Ranjan need to pray for
their families.
GENIUS STAR III - 19 Chinese, Prayed with captain and chief engineer and
others. Fe Hsu needs a special prayer.
5 ships on Thursday:
DS FREEWAY - 21 Indian, 8 Christians. We prayed with Leandro and Milven and
blessed ship.
BULK SATURN - 23 Chinese. Intial visit.
HIGH ENDEAVOUR - 20 Indian and 2 Italian. 7 Christians on board.
DA PENG HAI - 23 Chinese, Not very receptive, but we still spend a lot of time
with the commissar and gave out a bunch of gospel materials.
CHEMBULK KOBE - 22 Myanmar and 2 Croatian. We met this Christian Paul
who knew Pastor Malone 15 years ago. We prayed together.
5 ships on Friday:
LELIEGRACHT - 6 Russian, 1 Dutch and 7 Filipino.
BELUGA REVOLUTION - 6 Russian/Ukrainian and 16 German.
BULK PACIFIC - 21 Ukrainian.
OCEAN ADVENTURE - 18 Indian, 1 Filipino and 1 Ukrainian, 4 Christians. We
talked with Moham the Indian Christian and bosun for a long time. Time flies.
TOURAINE - 22 Chinese and 1 Bengalese captain. Very receptive but not much
time to talk, they all anxious to go ashore, prayed with them.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers. Amen. (Gal. 6:18)

Your brothers In Christ Tom and Thomas

Dear seafarer's friends, 8/13/06 - 8/19/06

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (Eph. 1:2)
We took 10 people including the chief engineer from the ship BULK SATURN to West
Houston Chinese Church to Worship, attending Sunday School and lunch, then
went to Best Buy and China Town, then back to the ship. What a wonderful day.
5 ships on Monday:
CASTILLO DE SAN PEDRO - 27 Peru/Honduros.
ELISABETH OLDENDORFF - 23 Chinese. We were on this ship last 5/22, the
crew has been changed since except the captain, so we decided to visit another
CHIPOLBROK SUN - 28 Chinese. We were on this ship last 4/10, most of them
know us, we gave out some materials.
TAI AN HAI - 29 Chinese. Receptive, prayed with them.
ATLANTIC STAR - 20 Chinese. Initial visit, not allowed to go into the cabinet.
2 ships on Wednesday:
BULK SATURN - 23 Chinese. We didn't give out Bibles on Sunday, so we came
back before they sail to hand out scriptural materials. More people came to pray
with us.
Visited a Turkey ship.
5 ships on Thursday: Praised the Lord Brother Winston Shu from WHCC joined us for
the visitation.
ATLANTIC STAR - 20 Chinese. 2nd visit, was rejected but received by the chief
officer a little bit latter. Many asked for the Bible.
TAI KANG HAI - 30 Chinese, we had a good time on the ship, the commissar
was a kind of argumentative.
PODHALE - Polish ship, gave out materials and blessed the ship.
CHEMBULK SAVANNAH - 26 Myanmar, 1 Bengalese and 1 Monrovia. Gave out
materials. Prayed with them.
SEA PURHA - 23 Filipino ship, gave out materials and prayed.
Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love. (Eph. 6:24)

Your brothers In Christ Tom and Thomas

Dear seafarer's friends, 8/20/06 - 8/26/06

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (Php. 1:2)
8/19:GOLDEN TIFFANY - Korean, Myanmar, and Chinese. Very receptive, 3 Myanmar
salvations, 3 Chinese already saved and took so much Scriptures, VCD's.
ATALANTIC, STOLT VINLAND, and CARIAD -3 vessels Filipinos, Russians,
Koreans. Prayed with the crews, 6 Koreans are witnesses.
8/20:FORMOSA 11 - 24 Chinese. Visited this tanker 5 monthes ago, more salvations,
Scriptures, VCD's were given out. Some seamen came and said, "I'm a Christian
STOLT TITAN - 28 Filipinos. Prayed and encouraged them.
6 ships on Monday:
ADDU SHAN - 21 Filipinos. They got the Scriptures.
STX QUEENSLAND - 7 Chinese and 15 Korean. The Chinese all got their
Scriptures, and prayed with 2.
GAS FRIEND - 7 Chinese and 14 Korean. We were rejected by the 2nd officer,
but 1 Chinese able seaman got a whole set of Scriptures.
AKILI - 17 Filipino, 3 Greek and 1 Ukrainian. Prayed with some Filipino.
INDUSTRIAL CHARGER - 16 Filipino. Prayed with them.
M.T. VEGA SPIRIT - 21 Indian. Very receptive. They need a lot of phone cards.
Took 3 of them to Best Buy.
The rest of this week's visiting will add to next email.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen. (Php. 4:23)

Your brothers In Christ Tom and Thomas

Dear seafarer's friends, 8/27/06 - 9/02/06
Grace and peace to you from God our Father. (Col. 1:2)
BULK PACIFIC - Many nationalities, prayers, scriptures, video and VCD
cassettes. Greek, Russian, Ukrainian, Swedish, Filipino seafarers are generally
very receptive and appreciative of our services. This is what makes this ministry
so joyful and exciting.
Croation, Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian, Filipino, British, Tuvalu. So many
nationalities and contacts, so much prayer, scriptures, VCD's.etc.
8/23: BUNGA KANTAN TIGA - 22 Indians. An Indian friend Pastor Babu Joseph came
to visit this vessel too. We spent nearly 4 hours visiting them. Witnessed to
many, answered questions and some salvations. Took 3 to Circuit City.
8/24: NEW ETERNITY - 23 Chinese, very receptives so hospitable. Good visit and
salvations. PANAM PACIFICO - 8 Croation, 10 Myanmar. Some old faces from
other vessels. Able to follow up on believers and unbelievers. ANGEL ACCORD,
American, Ukrainian, Russian, Bulgarian, Turkish, Croation. Prayers, scriptures,
8/25: PANAM SOL - 21 Indian, 1 salvation, shared God's love, prayed and bless the
ship. EMERALD PARK - Russian, Turkish and Bulgarian. MOUNTAIN
Filipinos, Dutch, Croatian, Indian, British and Greek. Seafarers are lonely and
welcomes our visit. We're present to serve and to give.
8/26: JAG LEELA - Indian, French, Filipino. Pray for French.
BERGE DENISE - Indian. Very receptive and hospitable, 1 Hindu received Jesus.
TRIPLE EVER - Blessed the ship and assured them of our prayers, we always
share with them Christ's death and resurrection.
6 ships on Monday:
M.V. DUNLIN ARROW - 28 Indian. 6 Christians. Prayed and throw away some
BBC SPAIN - 7 Filipino and Ukrainian/Russian. Prayer, Scriptures.
SANTIAGO - 9 Ukrainine, Scriptures.
M/T SITAVERA - 22 Indian. 4 Christians. Prayed with them and gave Scriptures.
HYDE PARK - 10 Turkish, 4 Russian and 5 Bulgarain. Scriptures.
GINGA MERLIN - 11 Korean and 10 Chinese. Scriptures, fellowship and sharing.
7 ships on Wednesday:
TOP FLIGHT - Myanmar. Preached the cross. 5 Christians and 1 salvation. They
said that many are saved in Myanmar from the Jesus and the passion of the
Christ movies.
BLUE MASTER - Myanmar, totally unresponsive.
RICKMERS ANTWERP - Russian, Filipino, Polish and Ukrainian.
BELUGA INSPRIATION - German and Korean.
STAR GRIP - had fun visiting, many contacts.
EDUARD OLDENDORFF - Ddspense many Scriptures, VHS and VCD's.
3 ships on Thursday:
BERGE NINGBO - 23 Indian, 5 Christians. Prayed with the captain and 2nd
officer, 1 salvation.
YAN TIAN SEA - 25 Chinese. Prayed with the captain and at least 10 other
crews. Scriptures. We were on this ship 11/1/05, crews all changed.
TOWER BRIDGE - 22 Russian. Scriptures.
2 ships on Friday:
CENK KAPTANOGLU - 24 Turkish. Very friendly and very hot inside their
GREAT HARVEST - 24 Chinese, 2 Christians. Everyone was receptive except
the captain.
Grace be with you. (Col. 4:18)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 9/03/06 - 9/09/06

Grace and peace to you. (1Th. 1:1)
9/01: NEW AMITY - 18 Filipino and 6 Chinese. Prayed with 8 for salvations, 2 were
delivered from idolatry, adultery, lust and lying.
9/02: RUBY - 24 Indians, 10 Christians. Prayed and blessed them. Good response.
YONG AN CHENG - 29 Chinese. They took so many Scriptures, VCD's. Some
YAKINA - 22 Myanmar, 1 Christian, 2 came forward for salvations. Many
SANTA ANA - 24 Bulgarians. Very receptive.
NAVIOS ARC - Russians and Filipinos. Busy working. Prayed and received
God's word.
2 ships on Monday:
JIN HUI - 25 Chinese. Prayed with 13 of them. Scriptures. Chief cook is an old
friend. Some follow up.
2 ships on Tuesday:
BUNGA KELANA SATU - Korean, Indian, Singaporean, Malaysian, and
Banglodesh. They appreciated the prayers and blessings.
NEW ALLIANCE - Filipinos and 3 Chinese. They heave a tanker going out to the
Gulf each week loading oil from the super tankers.
3 ships on Wednesday:
IKAN MEXICO - These 2 ships are Filipinos. Very receptive, open and hospitable.
CIELO DI GENOVA - Italian company, chartered by Japan and subchaptered by
another country. Today captains are under great stress. Besides this is Chinese
crew. Tremendous reception. Many came up professing to be Christians
including the captain.
4 ships on Thursday:
TAIXING - 27 Chinese. Not so receptive but prayed with the captain and the
commissar's wife.
TENNA KOSAN - 24 Filipinos. 2 born again Christians. Prayed and Scriptures.
JUBILANT SKY - 19 Filipinos. Prayed with Scriptures.
CSE CLIPPER EXPRESS - 22 Chinese. 3 from Taiwan the rest from mainland
China. Scriptures. Prayed with some and made friends with the chief cook.
8 ships on Friday:
NORSUL CAMOCIM - 24 Brazilians. Very friendly, 2 Christians .
W-O HANHAN- 24 Indians, 3 Christians. Receptive.
MARIA 1 - Greeks, Spainsh and Ukrainians.
SALZGITTER - 13 Indians and 10 Filipinos. Prayed with them.
SEA AMITY - 22 Chinese. Many salvations.
FORTUNE EXPRESS - 19 Filipinos. Prayed and Scriptures.
GLOBAL EXPLORER - 20 Myanmar, 3 Christians. Follow up on David.
AFYIA - 24 Russians and Ukrainians. Scriptures.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. (1Th. 5:28)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 9/10/06 - 9/16/06
Grace and peace to you from god the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (2Th. 1:2)
9/09: CHEMSTAR MOON - Koreans and Myanmars. 2 Myanmar Christians, some
seekers, supporting the Christians on board with prayer, Scriptures and VCD's.
LUDOVICA - Greeks, Polish, Indonesians, 1 Indonesian Christian..
4 ships on Monday:
GENCO MUSE - 23 Chinese and 2 Filipinos. 2 salvations and prayers.
RAINBOW QUEST - 24 Indians. 2 Christians.
SEA SWIFT - 27 Chinese. Some salvations and some follow ups
DOVER CASTLE - 15 Singhalese, 2 Filipinos and 2 Ukrainians. 2 Christians.
They kept asking us to go back.
4 ships on Tuesday:
Filipinos. Very open and responsive to the Gospel.
CLIPPER HORIZON - 24 Indians, 8 Christians. Half of them known for many
years. 1 Hindu for salvation. Spent 2 hours on board and counseled them.
4 ships on Wednesday:
BOSSCLIPP TRADER - 22 Indians, half of the crew are Christians. 4 Hindus for
salvation and 2 counseled Christians. This ministry is part of the world wide
TRAUN, UAL RODACH - Polish, Filipinos. Prayed with the Polish captain on
deck of RODACH.
CHEMSTAR DUKE - 18 Myanmars. We were on the ship 4 months ago. They
were so happy and receptive, 4 accepted Christ.
2 ships on Thursday:
JALADOOT - 27 Indians, 5 Christians on board. Very receptive, 2 salvations.
KANG MAN - 26 Chinese, 2 Christians. One was not very sure about Jesus'
deity. We spent 3 hours on the ship. Prayed and Scriptures.
2 ships on Friday:
ST. PAULI - 7 Croatians and 11 Myanmars. 2 Myanmar Christians .
JIN PING - 25 Chinese. Shared the Gospel, 6 salvations. Stayed for 3 hours.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. (2Th. 3:18)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 9/17/06 - 9/23/06
Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. (1Ti. 1:2)
9/16: JANA - 14 Russians. Had a good visit with the 2nd officer, Blessed him and the
ARISTEAS P & ALONA - Filipinos. The Filipinos are very religious but we let
them know that the only way to be saved is faith in Jesus not by good works.
SOUTHERN FIGHTER - 22 Myanmars, 2 Christians. Visited with the Christian
Bosun, and 2 Buddhists accepted Christ.
7 ships on Monday:
SANKO REJOICE - 21 Indians. 3 Christians.
EIBE OLDENDORFF - 25 Chinese. Finished all the Scriptures and prayed.
BELUGA SPIRIT - 14 Filipinos. 2 German and 1 Russian..
CAPTAIN P - Bulgarian, Polish and Filipinos. Scriptures
CELING - Singhalese and Hungarian.
SYN ALTAIR - Filipinos, Italians, Russians and Argentina.
PLUTO - 10 Russian and 10 Lithuania. Initial visit.
7 ships on Wednesday:
STAR INVENTANA, SYNNOVE KNUTSEN, GOLDEN VENUS and SUMATRAS - Filipinos. They're always encourage and strengthen as we share with them hope
in Christ.
KAPITAN GRISHIN, PLUTO - Russians. Some were receptive, prayed and
blessed them.
OLMECA - 22 Indians. A long visit with the captain, one of 3 Christians on
board. He is a good example, very liked by his crew. They took much of God's
Word and asked many questions.
3 ships on Thursday:
SEATRANSPORT - 29 Indians, 7 Christians on board. Very receptive.
ORIENTAL QUEEN - 20 Indians, 4 Christians.
D DUCKLING - 20 Indians, 6 Christians including the captain. We counseled
the captain not to allow beer on the ship. 2 salvations.
2 ships on Friday:
HIGH ENDEAVOUR - 22 Indians. 1 Russian, 1 Ukrainian and 1 Italian. 2
Christians. We were on this ship last August 10.
FORMOSA NINE - 22 Chinese. Stayed for 3 hours. Chief engineer is a Christian.
We were on this ship before, some old faces. God gave us a perfect timing, we
left just before she sailed.
Grace be with you. (1Ti. 6:21)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 9/24/06 - 9/30/06

Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. (2Ti. 1:2)
9/23: VALPOLICELLI, C. EMERALD, CHRYSSA K - Greek, Bulgarian, Korean, but
mainly Filipinos. Counseled and shared with some of them. Assured them of their
heavenly mansion as they surrendered their lives to the lordship of Jesus,
believing in His death and resurrection.
FRIO ROMA - 22 Ukrainians. Had a good but short visit.
GOLDEN JANE - 8 Myanmars, 12 Koreans. Some old faces. The Myanmar
seamen wanted to know more about Jesus, 3 got saved, 2 Myanmar Christians
will disciple the 3.
9/24: NS CONSUL - New ship, some old faces. Since there was no Scriptures on
board, they took so much. Blessed the vessel.
7 ships on Monday:
LEROS - 12 Indians and 11 Ukrainines. 2 Christians.
DIMITRIS S. - 9 Greeks, 10 Filipinos and 1 Romanians. Scriptures and prayed.
BOE STRAIT - 18 Filipinos.
SYRENA - 22 Indians. 10 Christians. Scriptures and blessed the ship
GENMAR STRENGTH - 9 Filipinos, 8 Portuguese, 2 Indians and 6 Romanians.
AZTEC - 14 Filipinos, 6 Greeks, 1 Romanian and 3 El Salvador passengers.
NORDANGER - 14 Filipinos and 14 Latvians.
2 ships on Tuesday:
MOSCOW - 24 Russians. Met with most of the crew. It's interesting, the young
Chinese are more receptive than the young Rrssians. The captain is a Muslim.
BOLERO - 26 Filipinos. Prayed and blessed them.
6 ships on Wednesday:
EMERALD, BBC SEALAND and SIGLOO ESPOO - Filipinos, Greeks and
Indians. Good visits. Prayed and blessed the ships,
CLIPPER VALOUR and AFRICAN HAWK - Indian crew. Many Christians on
these 2 ships. 3 salvations and 2 healings.
ACACIA - All Turkish. Denied entrance on board. Read carefully, recently, we
had difficulty boarding some Turkish vessels. There is a resurgence of the
powerful Ottoman Turk empire. The Muslim's goal is to conquer the world.
America and Israel are the only 2 countries stopping them from advancing
forward. However, they are presently achieving their goal of an Islamic invasion.
5 ships on Thursday:
PODRAVINA - 20 Russian and Latvian on board. Receptive.
TAI HE HAI - 34 Chinese, many knew us. Prayed with the whole crew before
meal. Open and friendly.
MAERSK HOUSTON - Filipinos. Scriptures and prayed.
NORGAS PETALUMA - 8 Chinese and 7 Russians. We were on this ship last
1/20. They took more scriptures Short visit.
ELENE - 1 Greek, 3 Romanians and 20 Filipinos. Scriptures and bless the ship.
The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you. (2Ti. 4:22)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 10/01/06 - 10/07/06
Grace, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior. (Tit. 1:4)
9/29: SENAUR CEBI - 22 Turkish. First was denied on board, God overuled thier
intentions, and turned out to be a good visit despite their Ramadan observance.
Knew some of the crew and used thiss opportunity to build on relationships.
BRITISH INTEGRITY and CLIPPER LASCO - Indians. Encouraged and
strengthen the Christians in their faith. They are witnesses to Jesus. Prayed and
blessed them. 4 salvations.
FORMOSA TEN - 24 Chinese. We revisit this vessel about every 9 months. A
few of the crew knew us, so we continue to love them in a deeper way.
9/30: LIAN YU HU - 28 Chinese. The ship was wide open for a Gospel witness.
Counseled a couple of the crew and some salvations
SYRENA - 24 Indians. Since the Coast Guard was on board for inspections, they
were very busy. Had a good visit with the second officer. Prayed, blessed him,
the crew members and their families.
12 ships on Monday:
mainly Filipinos. Some know us from previous voyages. Distributed many
Scriptures and VCDs.
GIOVANNI DP - 2 Italian and 14 Romanians. Ship changed name. Had a long
visit with Italain captain. Good visit.
SOUTHERN SPIRIT - 21 Chinese. Many knew us already. Scriptures are all
gone. The ship is going to New Orleans next.
HOLMEN - 22 Indians and 1 Filipino, 3 Christains. 3.5 months new ship. Good
LI BAI - 26 Chinese. Scriptures and blessed the ship. 2 officer has a very gentle
SPRING PROGRESS - 20 Chinese. Initial visit.
SANKO ETERNAL - 23 Filipinos, all Christians, some don't know the salvation.
VINDONESSA - 22 Filipinos. Prayed and delivered Scriptures.
MILLENNIUM FALCON - 17 Filipinos and 2 Koreans. Prayed blessed them.
4 ships on Tuesday:
mainly Filipinos. Some counseling, blessing and prayer.
SPRING PROGRESS - 20 Chinese. They took a whole box full of Scriptures,
Christian leterature and VCDs. Had an hour long talk with captain Zhong who
claimed to be an atheist from his communist upborne. Finally after much
discussion, he yeilded his life to Christ. PTL.
5 ships on Wednesday:
GENIUS STAR I - Just made it before they sailed. Since they raised the
gangway, had difficulty getting off the vessel. Captain and pilot waved goodbye
from the navigating bridge. This is the excitement of the ministry.
Filipinos. Had good visits. Prayed and blessed them.
CHEMBULK GIBRALTAR - 18 Myanmar, Second Engineer is a Christian. Had an
open visit with the chief officer. He has Christian friends back in his country and
soul searching.
7 ships on Thursday:
visists. Gave Scriptures and VCDs. Prayed with 6 publicly on the docks.
NEW NIKKI - 22 Chinese, some knew us. Shared Word with them and Scripture.
GENIUS STAR 1 - 15 Chinese. Scriptures and prayed. 2nd visited this week.
CLIPPER TARGET - 23 Indians, 10 Christians including the captain.
ORIENT SAORI - 22 Chinese. All have short pass. A few are interested.
3 ships on Friday:
CIELO DI GUANGZHOU - 23 Indians, 7 Christians. Captain is a Christian.
KARONGA - 24 Chinese. Many admitted Jesus Christ is in their hearts. One
cadet was baptized.
SEABOARD EXPLORER II - All Russian. Gave Scriptures.
Greet those who love us in the faith. Grace be with you all. (Tit. 3:15)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 10/08/06 - 10/14/06

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (Phm. 3)
10/07:GENMAR cONSTANTINA and SKS TAGUS - 2 Filipino ships. Gave them
Scriptures, prayed and blessed them.
PUMA - 22 Russians. Some were receptive.
FORMOSA 8 and GREAT RIVER - 2 Chinese ships. Great response.
7 ships on Monday:
NICOS I.V. - 16 Filipinos, 8 Greeks, 1 Russian and 1 Romanian. Scriptures
and VCDs.
MINERVA LLIBRA - 17 Fillipinos, 8 Greeks and 1 Croation.
EAGLE CENTURUS - 2 Filipinos and 20 Indians.
SHENG QIANG - 24 Chinese. Good visit. Next port New Orleans. They all
wanted us to go back tomorrow.
UNIION RANGER - 12 Greeks and 9 Filipinos. Scriptures and blessed the ship.
TEMYRUK - 24 Russians.
MATTHEOS I - 14 Filipinos, 3 Spanish, 2 Ukrainians and 3 Peruvians.
7 ships on Tuesday:
STARLING, AMARANTH BRIDGE and ENO L - 3 Filipino ships. Very hospitable
and receptive.
NYRON N - Greek and Indonesian. Very open to receive the Good News.
ALIA R - Russian and Myanmar. 1 Myanmar Christian. They were captivated
watching the Jesus movie. Both nationalities received the Scriptures and VCDs.
The seed was planted.
KARA SEA - Russian. Some were receptive. Had a good visit with Sergy, the
third officer.
EAGLE CENTAURUS - 8 nationalities. They came to the ship office to receive
the Scriptures. So open to the Gospel. 1 of 2 Chinese cadets received Jesus.
6 ships on Wednesday:
PANAM FELICE - Indians. This chemical tanker comes here refularly,
opportunity to build relationships with friends, encouraged and strengthen the
faith of the 6 Christians on board.
LACERTA - Filipinos. Short but good visit. Prayed and blessed them.
2 Russian ships - Refused entry on board - Pray for Russian. The wind in the
Middle East, Turkey and Russia are shifting rapidly.
IBERIAN REEFER - Russian ship loading chicken for St. Petersburg. The men
are from Kolingrad and very receptive. Just opposite from the last two.
VICTORIA - 11 Romanians, warmly welcomed. Took some Scriptures and
prayed for the crew. Also took 2 shopping.
3 ships on Thursday:
CHEMICAL MARKETER - 20 Indians, 2 Christians.
FORMOSAGAS DIAMOND - 24 Chinese. A brandnew ship only 6 months old.
Many people prayed.
PACIFIC MAKASSAR - 7 Chinese, 2 British and 3 Ukraininas. Very good visit.
Shared God's salvation plan and testimony.
8 ships on Friday:
CHALKIDON - 16 Filipinos, 4 Greeks and 2 Romanians. Blessed the ship.
MOORGATE - Romanian, Ukrainian, Turkish, Montenegrin and Serdian.
DESIGNER KNYSH - 24 Ukrainians. Scriptures.
BALTIMAR SIRIUS - 2 Ukrainians and 8 Filipinos.
LOVE SONG - 14 Filipinos and 6 Yugoslavia. Always prayed on Filipino's ships.
ADDU MOON - 17 Indians and 5 Burmese. 5 Christians. Good visit.
FEDERAL PESCADORES - 21 Chinese and 2 Romanians. Great response.
EAGLE COLUMBUS - 12 Filipinos, 3 Chinese and 7 Indians. Chinese Scriptures
and prayed.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you spirit. (Phm. 25)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 10/15/06 - 10/21/06

10/14:MAYA - Indian. Had a good visit with the christians. 2 Hindus came for
salvation. Spent an hour conversing with captain Benny.
2 Filipino ships - BELUGA ENTERPRISE and SPRING HAWK - good but brief
visits. Prayed and blessed them..
3 Russian ships - TUXPAN REEF, CEC LEADER and BUTERFLY - Great
response to the Gospel.
1 ship on Tuesday:
GENCO EXPLORER - Chinese. Met with most of the crew. Found favor with
them including the captain. Distributed much of the written, spoken and visual
Word of God.
7 ships on Wednesday:
GENMAR DEFIANCR - Portuguese, Filipinos. Took many Scriptures. One came
to the car to get more.
6 ships - Many nationalities including Italian, Polish, Korean, Russian, Sri lanka,
Ghanaian, and mostly Filipinos. Had some very good contacts and enjoyed
sharing with many the love of Jesus. This is an exciting ministry and we have
honored to be in the service of the Lord.
4 ships on Thursday:
ALAM BUDI - 4 Chinese, 20 Filippinos and 1 Myanmar.
FOMALHAUT - 23 Filippinos.
LIJNBAANSGRACHT - 7 Filippinos, 8 Russians and 1 Estonia.
JIN KANG - 24 Chinese. Some old friends.
4 ships on Friday:
SEA CONFIDENCE - 15 Chinese, 4 Myanmars and 2 HongKongnese. We were on this ship before. Some follow up.
JOSE BRIGHT - 2 Russians, 23 Myanmars, 2 Christians..
FUANCHENG - 29 Chinese. Scriptures. Had a long talk with the captain. He
believed in Jesus Christ.
PINE GALAXY - 9 Chinese, 11 Korean and 1 Myanmar.
Grace be with you all. (Heb. 13:25)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 10/22/06 - 10/28/06

Grace and peace be yours in abundance. (1 Pet. 1:2)
6 ships on Monday:
MISS CLAUDIA - 8 Italian and 14 Indian. 7 Christians.
MOLDANGER - 24 Russian.
SCAN BULKER - 21 Chinese. Captain and chief engineer are from Taiwan the
the rest are from mainland China. Many received the Bible.
GOLDEN ELIZABETH - 10 Korean, 1 Chinese and 9 Myanmar. 2 Christians,
1 Korean and 1 Myanmar.
BBC FINLANDA - 4 Ukrainian and 9 Filippino.
3 ships on Wednesday:
CANAIMA - 20 Venezuelan. Took many Spanish Scriptures. It was the 3
officer's birthday. We celebrated with him and blessed him.
ELKA DELOS - 14 Filipino, 5 Greek and 1 Ukrainian. Some Scriptures and
blessed the ship.
BERING SEA - 12 Russian. It was a a good visit until the captain asked us to
leave. Some of them knew us.
Thursday was a rainy day.
3 ships on Friday:
KATJA - 10 Romanian. Good visit with captain and the crew, most of them are
Christians, we prayed and blessed the ship.
CED MERMAID - 13 Russian. Gaving out Scriptures. Blessed the crew. Prayer
is the thing we always do when we can.
SONG SHI HAI - 29 Chinese. Many Scriptures. Had a little talk with the
captain. Some knew us before. It was a nice visit. .
Peace to all of you who are in Christ. (1 Pet. 5:14)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 10/29/06 - 11/04/06

Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. (2 Pet. 1:2)
10/28:AFRICAN ROBIN - Filipinos. Brief visit. They came to the car to get their
Scriptures. Prayed with them and blessed the vessel.
CLIPPER BREEZE - Turkish. At first they were resistant. But God opened the
door for a sensitive Gospel witness. Some were willing to listen, the seed was
4 ships on Monday:
CEC MISTRAL - 12 Russian.
TUXPAN REEF - Russian.
AN HUA JIANG - 23 Chinese. Had a long talk with the captain about Jesus
Christ and the life. Witnessed to him. He accepted that Jesus is in his heart.
NS CAPTAIN - 26 Russian..
3 ships on Tuesday:
GLOBAL NEXTAGE - Burmese. They were ready to sail. There was 1 Christian
and a young Burmese open his heart to Jesus.
AMAZONIA - 4 Russian, 19 Chinese. The ship were very receptive. They came
to receive Goe's Word and prayed for salvation.
GHETTY BOTTIGLIERI - Indians. Good food, good visit and good reception. Took
4 shopping.
4 ships on Wednesday:
GAZ BARAKA and BELUGA INDEPENDENCE - Spanish and mainly Filipinos.
Favorable reception and blessed the ships.
TWINKLE EXPRESS and FAIRCHEM STALLION - 2 Indian chemical tankers.
Spent a lot of time on them, ministering to their needs. They are so appreciative
of the visits and glad to see each other again.
5 ships onThursday:
DS FIESTA - 24 Indians. Some old friends. Receptive and good visit.
OCEAN BELLE - 18 Chinese and 2 Korean. We were on this ship 8/5/06. A few
of them still knew us. We gave DVD Jesus movie now. They llike it very much.
DELZOURKE - 14 Filipions and 7 Ukrainian. Blessed the ship.
CAPE BON - 19 Latvian. 3rd officer came down to the gangway and prayed.
MARIANO LAURO - Filipinos, Italian, Polish and Romanian. Blessed the vessel.
5 ships on Friday:
PAC DENEB - 15 Chinese and 5 Filipinos. They all have short passes, and
some of them are willing to go to church on Sunday with us.
MARIMBA - 20 Filipinos, 2 Russian, 2 Swedish and 1 Polish. Prayed with the
Filipinos. Blessed the crew.
ANNAPURNA - 23 Myanmar. Good visit.
PACIFIC ENDEAVOR - 26 Chinese. Had a long talk with the chief engineer, he
still believes his Buddha. A lot of others were open.
UBC SACRAMENTO - 26 Filipinos. We blessed the vessel and prayed with 2.
To him be glory both now and forever! (2 Pet. 3:18)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 11/05/06 - 11/11/06

Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father's son, will be with us in truth and love. (2 Jn. 3)
11/04:VIRGEN DEL CARMEN II - Peruvian. A family reunion with some seamen from
previous contacts. They were very receptive and took much of God's Word.
DUBAI ENERGY - Indian and Filipino. Favorable visit. Prayed and blessed the
seamen and their families.
ANNAPURNA - Burmese. Had a long, productive visit with the 1 Christian.
Blessed him to be a witness for Jesus, gave him many Scriptures.
SZYMANOWSKI - Polish. Uneventful visit. Prayed for the Polish.
Took three (chief engineer, 3rd engineer and an able seaman) from PAC DENEB to WHCC on Sunday.
9 ships on Monday:
PACIFIC JAVA - 15 Filipino, 7 Chinese, 3 Ukrainian and 1 New Zealander.
GOLD INDUS - 16 Filipino and 2 Korean.
STAR EVVIVA - 24 Filipino.
LARCH ARROW - 15 Myanmar, 2 Polish and 1 Sri Lanka.
ORIENTAL ORCHID - 14 Filipino and 6 Korean.
SVETI VLAHO - 19 Croatian.
DAWN - 22 Turkish. Rejected to go on board. Prayed for Turkish.
STORM BAY - 23 Ukrainian. Wonderful visit with a friend - chief cook on the
ship. Began to rain very heavily when we left, but it turned down after a while.
3 ships on Tuesday:
DIMITRIS C - Ukrainian. Very receptive. They took many Scriptures. Prayed
and blessed them.
ASTRO ALTAIR and AEGEAN LEGEND - 2 Filipino ships. It was a delight to
visit them as usual. Prayed and blessed them and their faimilies.
9 ships on Wednesday:
PACIFIC JAVA - 2nd visit. Only 2 Chinese on board. Prayed with one - the chief
BBC ARGENTINA - Russian, Ukrainian, German and Lithuanian.
GALINA IV - All Russian.
CEC CONCORD - 14 Russian.
WEAVER ARROW - Filipino, 2 Croatian and 1 Russian.
FORMOSA SIX - 24 Chinese. We were on this ship before but not many old
faces. Good visit with some prayers.
TORM SOFIA - 22 Filipino. Bless the crew and the ship.
BOW CHAIN - Mainly Filipino. Scriptures.
ALDA - All Ukrainian. Chief mate came down the gangway and prayed with
us.We blessed him, his family, the crew and the vessel.
Peace to you. The friends here send their greetings. (3 Jn. 15)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 11/12/06 - 11/18/06

Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. (Jude. 2)
11/09:CLIPPER FAITH - Peruvian. A family reunion with some seamen from
previous contacts. They were very receptive and took much of God's Word.
WINONA - Indian and Filipino. Favorable visit. Prayed and blessed the
seamen and their families.
GREAT PEACE - Burmese. Had a long, productive visit with the 1 Christian.
Blessed him to be a witness for Jesus, gave him many Scriptures.
11/11:3 Chinese ships - KANG SHUN, POS LEADER and TAI AN CHENG - The visitations were awesome. So many came to receive the Word and just put their faith in Jesus. One 3rd officer wanted all the remaining Scriptures. Steve took 7 to church.
3 ships on Monday:
XIAMEN SEA - 22 Chinese. Prayed with almost all of them in different times
including the captain and the chief engineer. Very nice visit, the seed is planted.
MINANUR CEBE - 22 Turkish. Captain was very nice. Some old faces from
years ago. Good visit.
BALTIMAR ORION - 8 Filipino and 2 Ukrainian. Blessed the ship.
5 ships on Tuesday:
AMER WHITNEY - Russian and mainly Indian. They took many Scriptures.
Romanian, Rruuian and Filipino.
NORGAS NAPA - Russian and Chinese. It was like a homecoming.
1 ship on Wednesday:
MERMAID DREAM - An unusual visit, they were most receptive and gladly
received the Gospel.
5 ships on Thursday:
MARDI GRAS - 18 Chinese and 2 Korean. Very open. 2 Korean Christians-
the captain and the chief engineer. Many Chinese came to pray.
LEOPOLD STAFF - 23 Polish. 2 of them were receptive.
STAR FUJI - 23 Filipino. Prayed and bless the ship.
ATLANTIC ARROW - 20 Filipino. They have Bible study on the ship.
JIA XING - 24 Chinese. The chief engineer received Jesus into his heart. The
commissar was very open, he came to pray with us in public.
3 ships on Friday:
IKAN SEPAT - 20 Chinese, 3 Filipino and 1 Ukrainian. Last visit was August 3.
OCEAN STARLET - 23 Ukrainian. We were rejected by the duty officer not to go
into the mess room. 3 people still recieved the God's work. Recently, we were
rejected more than accepted by the Russian and Ukrainian ships. Pray for
GENCO SUCCESS - 23 Chinese. We visited this ship last July 6. They had a
party celebrating 5 seamen going home day after tomorrow. We were there too.
What a memory. 2nd engineer is a Christian.
To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy - to the only god our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages now and forevermore! Amen.. (Jude. 24,25)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 11/19/06 - 11/25/06

Grace and peace to you.
3 ships on Monday:
SCOTIA WIND - 22 Georgian. Nice visit, the seed is planted.
STOLZEN - 14 Indian, 17 Malaysian and 1 Filipino. 2 Indian Christians and 1
Malaysian Chinese Christian. Good visit.
JIN ZHOU - 26 Chinese. Many came to ask for the Scripture and prayed.
Blessed the crew and their families.
6 ships on Wednesday:
MAERSK REDIANT - 8 Filipino, 14 Indian and 1 Myanmar. Chief engineer is an
Indian Christian. Good visit and blessed the ship.
IKAN ALTAMIRA - 11 Filipino, 12 Chinese, 1 Myanmar and 1 Polish captain. We
took 4 Chinese to WHCC to enjoy a home thanksgiving dinner then go to Wal
Mart and came back.
STAR ISFJORD - Mainly Filipino.
SAFMARINE TEXAS - Russian and Filipino. Good response.
ENCHANTER - Indian and Myanmar. No Christian. Chief cook is an old friend.
YAKIMA - Myanmar. Chief cook was the only Christian, he came and asked for
prayer. 3 salvations, they were discipled by the Christian.
To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy - to the only god our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages now and
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen. (Rev.22: 21)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 11/26/06 - 12/02/06

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. (Ro. 1:7)
11/24:OCEAN PRINCE - 22 Chinese. Knew some of the seafarers from previous
ships. Clean out of all the Scriptures. One half accepted Jesus as their personal
Sasvior. A good visit with the captain and prayed with him for salvation.
AMAZON - Indian. 2 Christians, prayed with them and 1 Hindu for salvation.
OLDENDORFF - Many different nationalities, but mainly Filipinos. Warmly
received by all the seamen. Prayed and blessed them and their families.
5 ships on Monday:
BERGEN ARROW - 23 Indian. 2 Christians. 2nd cook andan AB. Good visit.
AROSIA - 22 Fillipino. MINERVA ANNA - 19 Filipino, 3 Greek and 1 Ukrainian.
VISCAYA - 28 Filipino and 1 Norwegian. Blessed the ship.
NORGAS SHASTA - 11 Chinese, 1 Filipino and 4 Russian. We were on this
ship couple of times before, several old friends. Took 4 to shopping.
9 ships on Thursday:
VENICE - 24 Indian,6 Christians.
ORIENTAL WISTERIA - 16 Filipino and 4 Korean.
HARRIETTE N - 18 Indian and 8 Filipino. 2 of them were receptive.
BBC HOLLAND - 8 Russian/Ukrainian. Bless the ship.
GERTRUDE OLDENDORFF - Sri Lanka, Egyptian, Filipino, Maldivian and Kenya.
TAXIARHIS P - 12 Filipino and 10 Greek.
ADRIV - 20 Ukrainian.
SENTINEL - Filipino, Polish and Croatian.
EVER REGAL - 13 Chinese and 9 Myanmar. 2 Chinese Christains, captain and
bosun. Some knew us through the previous visit. The Chinese are all from
Taiwan. It was like a home coming. They all wanted the Scriptures.
3 ships on Friday:
OCEANTHI - 14 Filipino and 8 Greek. A short but warm visit.
TAI KANG HAI - 32 Chinese. Last visit was August 17. More than half of the crew
has been changed. Some came for the salvation prayer with us. Tjhe commissar
was very nice. We gave them the church provided cell phone to call home. It was
just a minor service we can offer. Thanks the Lord.
CLIPPER VALOUR - 22 Indian and 1 Myanmar. We visited this ship before. Four
came and joined us to pray and blessed the ship. One seaman was asking for the
passion of the Christ VCD, we found one (we left on the ship last time) and gave him.
To the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen. (Ro. 16:27)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 12/03/06 - 12/09/06

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (1Co. 1:3)
11/29:JI LI HU - Chinese tanker. Very receptive. Handed out a whole box of Scriptures and
some salvations.
FR 8 VENTURE - Indian. Warmly received. Prayed with the 3 Christians and 6 Hindus
came to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.
12/02:ST. PAULI - Croation and Myanmar. Good response with both nationalities, 3
Myanmar Christians and 2 salvations. The Christians will disciple them.
12/03:FOUR MOON and GEORGIOS S - Italian, mainly Endian and Filipinos - Knew some
from previous vessels. Prayed and blessed them. An Indian Hindu gave some money
to the ministry.
7 ships on Monday:
AGIA EIRINI - 17 Filipino and 9 Greek. Blessed the crew and their fiamilies.
HIGH GLOW - 11 VietNamese, 9 Fillipino and 1 Korean captain. 1 VietNamese
FORTUNE EPOCH - 17 Filipino, 1 Japanese and 1 Korean. Blessed the ship.
K. GOLD - Filipino.
MARIANAO ICE - 23 Ukrainian.
TAI KANG HAI - 2nd visit. A short visit but they all received new Christian literature.
SPT SAPPHIRE - 31 Indian. 5 Christians. The chief officer is a born again Christian.
He is also a half Chinese.
2 ships on Tuesday:
LAND - Yugoslavia and Filipinos - Good visit, very open and responsive.
VERONICA P.G. - British, Polish and Guyanese. Guyana is a small country in South
America. They were very excited to receive the writter, spoken and visual Word of God.
9 ships on Thursday:
PEARL RIVER - 9 Filipino, 7 Chinese, 3 Ukrainian and 1 Croatian. Initial visit.
CAPTAIN P - 15 Filipino, 7 Bulgarian and 1 Ukrainian.
PERSEVERANCE - 24 American.
CEC CENTURY - 13 Russian. Bless the ship.
YOU YA - 24 Chinese. We were on this ship before. Only a couple of them knew us.
Most of the crew changed. Receptive, some salvations.
SAFFRON - 18 Indonesia and 2 Korean. 4 Indonesia Christians.
MARIANAO ICE - 24 Russian. Nice visit.
WIEBKE - 12 Filipino and 5 German.
BOTANY TRUST - 18 Finipino.
2 ships on Friday:
FORMOSAGAS DIAMOND - 24 Chinese. Short but warm visit. We visited this ship
last October 12.
GENIUS STAR 1 - 17 Chinese. Last visit was October 5. The crew has not been
changed. Some came and prayed with us. The captain was very nice. We had a long
talk with him and encouraged him to be a soul winner for Jesus Christ.
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you. My love to all of you in Christ Jesus. Amen. (1Co. 16:23,24)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 12/10/06 - 12/16/06

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (2Co. 1:2)
12/09:MAYA - Indian. Spant a long time with the captain. 2 young cadets received Christ.
PANAM ATLANTICO - Crotian and Myanmar. Chief cook was the only Christian. He
took many Scriptures to share with others. 1 salvation.
CALIOPE - Russian. Short visit. Gavve them Scriptures.
ENFORCER - Filipinos. Warmly received, Prayed and blessed them.
FESCO MARINA - Ukrainian. Good visit. Spent an hour with a Shite Muslim.
GENERAL GROT-ROWECKI - Polish. Gave out Scriptures, prayed and blessed them.
3 ships on Monday:
SANKO RALLY - 24 Indian, 4 Christians. Good visit with the Christians and prayed
with the Hindus. 3 salvations.
JUBILANT SKY - 22 Filipino. Blessed the ship and wished them merry Christmas.
CHIPOLBROK MOOR - 28 Chinese. The same shipping company as YOU YA. The
captain is very open and nice. Many came to pray with us together and confessed
that Jesus is in their hearts.
3 ships on Tuesday:
BBC ITALY - Russian and Filipinos - Very busy, but took some Scriptures.
MAHARASHTRA - Indian. Not as open as most Indian ships. 1 Hindu for salvation.
STAVANGER PRINCE - A Norwegian company, but all Chinese crew. About 10
received Jesus into their hearts.
3 ships on Wednesday:
OMER KAPTANOGLU - Turkish. Very well received and open to the Gospel.
Individually took a box of Scriptures.
PANAM SOL - Indian. A follow up visit. Counseled and prayed with the Christian
captain, also some others.
BASIC RELIANCE - Steve Yeboak, our coworker, took 8 to church and shopping. They
all received Jesus.
2 ships on Thursday:
ALAM SELARAS - 2 Filipino, 2 Chinese, 16 Indonesian and 1 Myanmar and 1
Malaysian. Good visit.
BASIC RELIANCE - 17 Chinese and 2 Korean. Joined prayer at dinner time, most of
them were there.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. (2Co. 13:14)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao
Dear seafarer's friends, 12/17/06 - 12/23/06

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (Gal. 1:3)
12/15:UNITED STARS and PONTOKLYDON - Greek and mainly Filipino. Brief but good
visits. Prayed and blessed them.
SPAR CANIS - Indian. Ministered to the 2 Christians. One Hindu received a new life in
12/16:CV STEALTH, MARIMBA and AGATHONISSOS - Greek, Indian and mainly Filipinos.
Shared the Christmas joy with Scriptures and DVDs.
BERYL - Russian. They lived in the far eastern Russia. Spent a lot of time with them.
Prayed and blessed them.
PROGRESS II - Indian. It was late at night, but still had a good visit. There were 6
5 ships on Monday:
PORT NELSON - 13 Romanian and 9 Filipino. Good visit with the Christians and pray
with the Hindus. 3 salvations.
CONQUISTADOR - 18 Filipino, 5 Greek and 2 Romanian. Blessed the ship and wished
them merry Christmas.
COLUMBIAN EXPRESS - 11 Indian and 10 Filipino. The same shipping company as
captain is very open and nice. Many came to pray with us together and confessed
that Jesus is in their hearts.
PROGRESS II - 23 Indian. 6 Christains.
SYN ACRAB - Romanian, Russian, Ukrainian,Italain and Indian. Very nice visit.
2 ships on Wednesday:
ONEGO EXPLORER - Russian. Good response. They came to the car to receive their
Scriptures. Prayed and blessed them.
ISOLDE - Swedish and Filipinos. Gave them Christmas music and blessed them. Pray
for Sweden.
2 ships on Thursday:
DAWN - 22 Turkish. Good visit, they got a lot of Scriptures.
FORMOSA SEVEN - 24 Chinese. Captain is a very sincere person. He prayed
with us but not totally convinced.
3 ships on Friday:
PREM MALA - 24 Indian. Initial visit.
SELENDANG KASA - 23 Chinese. Captain is very open and nice. Many came to get
the Scriptures and prayed.
PACIFIC FLORES - 2 British, 3 Ukrainian, 22 Filipino and 7 Chinese. 3 Chinese went to shore, 3 Chinese salvation, 1 Chinese old friend.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers. Amen. (Gal. 6:18)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

Dear seafarer's friends, 12/24/06 - 12/30/06

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (Eph. 1:2)
12/23:STAR PROVIDENCE - Indian. Christmas is a time of the year when people are most
receptive. vessel was very open to the Gospel. Prayed with the Christians and 2
Russian, Dutch and mainly Filipinos. They received their Bibles, DVD's and Christmas
tapes. Prayed, blessed them, their families and sea voyages.
PREM MALA - Indian. Visited with the captain and all the deck officers in the cargo
control room. Prayed with the Christians, 2 salvations.
5 ships on Monday:
STENA ITALICA - Romanian. Had prayer and blessed them and their families.
Italian and Korean officers and the rest Filipinos. Shared the Christmas joy with them.
Very appreciative and receptive to the Gospel.
2 ships on Tuesday:
EVANTHIA - 10 Greek and 12 Finlippino. Took some Scriptures. Bless the crew.
TOURATINE - 22 Chinese and 1 Bengalese captain. Many came to know Jesus.
4 ships on Thursday:
CHEMBULK GIBRALTAR - 23 Myanmar, 1 Russian captain. 4 Christains and 1
salvation. Good visit.
YOUNG SPRING - 21 Chinese. Initial visit.
KONKAR GEORGIOS - 12 Ukrainian and 12 Greek. They got all the Scriptures we
brought to the ship.
M/V DS FIESTA - Russian and Indian. Short visit.
4 ships on Friday:
HOEGH TRAPPER - 25 Chinese. Great harvest, Many came to Christ.
JO ACER - 24 Filipino. Good and short visit.
SANMAR SERENADE - 25 Indian. Nice visit, all Pastor Malone's friends.
Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love. (Eph. 6:24)

Your brothers In Christ Tom Malone and Thomas Tao

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